Friday, October 9, 2020

Wag The Hutatree In Michigan

 These were Wolverine Watchmen, who might have seen me naked,
wanting me, wanting to tie me up.....



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


When I first heard last night George Noory on Coast to Coast AM featuring a story that some tards in Michigan were arrested for going to kidnap the skirt Governor there, I knew this was another Hutatree and just like at Malheur, there were Pete Santilli's lurking around in the background. This was an October Surprise political event, as the FBI has been warning since Virginia shutdowns how dangerous these White people are as 3 of them spray painted a Jew building.

If you remember Hutatree under Eric Holder and Obama, they had the FBI plant some mole in the midst who was goading these dolts who hid behind bushes for recreation playing commando, and then arrested them. A Judge later threw the cases out as bogus, but the message was sent as Obama wanted.

I was surprised though that the FBI actually admitted they had infiltrated this group. If you read the quote below, you can translate it like OKC that these boogs were meeting with the FBI to buy bombs.

You will note that they spent months, consulting and training. They were consulting and training with FBI informants. This was allowed to fester until it was almost cured, so that the big arrest could appear now to meddle in the elections.


 The men plotted for months, consulting and training with militia members, and undertaking rehearsals in August and September, according to the complaint. Four of the men planned to meet Wednesday to "make a payment on explosives and exchange tactical gear," the FBI said in the court filing.

They were charged as members of domestic terror group "Wolverine Watchmen,"


They Wolverine Watchmen, probably watching me undress slowly,
wanting to tie me up or tie me down.

As in the quotes below, the translation is, the FBI as the BATFE admitted in Hutatree, runs these militia and other groups. They have them all "infiltrated" and like flies to shit, these flakes appears sooner or later. 

I mean look at these boogs. None of them has seen the sun for years and for that matter a real naked woman. America has hundreds of millions of people, shake any race and this stuff is going to fall out, and in order to validate their existence, act like they were going to engage in some real conspiracy. The reality is, if the FBI was not egging these chimps on, they would be passed out at 8 pm and almost drowning in pizza grease.

 Members of a militia group purchased weapons, conducted surveillance, and held training and planning meetings, but were foiled in part because the FBI was able to infiltrate the group with informants, according to charges officials planned to detail Thursday.

 The criminal complaint identified six of the individuals arrested as Adam Fox, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, Brandon Caserta, all of Michigan, and Barry Croft of Delaware


So a bit more information it was FBI Agents involved in this, and it was informants. Chances are that several of those arrested are FBI, and will use the "jail time" to get cred.

I just would like the government to get better catch words, as violent terrorists or violent extremists is saying smart intelligence or legally law abiding. There are no peaceful terrorists nor are there any sedate extremists. That is the point of the word extremist and terrorist.


 The government used informants and undercover agents to thwart the alleged plot. Federal search warrants were put out in about a dozen cities across Michigan in the process. All suspects were arrested Wednesday night without incident and each faces up to life in prison.

U.S. attorney Andrew Birge called them "violent extremists."


In closing out this wag the Hutatree, the media reports state that some of these people were not from Michigan. It is a bit hard to be Michigan weasels and be from out of state. Just as this drama by drama queen Governor Witmer in being informed of this, getting moved around, is just ridiculous and she knows it.
If these people were engaged in things that should have gotten them arrested, they could have been arrested in August, not October. If these people were a real threat, they would have been arrested, as no one in law enforcement is supposed to allow a politician get exposed to danger.
The trip point was the meeting for bombs. Again, this indicates the FBI trainers progressed this too far, as this was supposed to be a kidnapping, not making bombs. So the operation having reached it's low point of non action, reached it's October Surprise moment......and is fading away so quickly that this is being posted the next day, as no one is going to care about this case.

The fact is if attorneys like with Hutatree and the Bundy's get involved, they are going to through discovery find out just how much of this was FBI progressed and how much of these 85 IQ trolls got goaded into it.


 The democratic governor said that she had been aware of the plot.

 “At times [Whitmer] and her family have been moved around as a result of activities that law enforcement was aware of,



These were all Wolverine Watchmen, watching me, probably undressing me even now, wanting me, and wanting to tie me up, tie me down, using knots that even my husband does not know.


This is why I do not take this seriously, in placing this as satire. Anyone can see this was a canned hunt, and released in the media pen for effect. The attorneys start tearing into this, and just like Officer Derek Chauvin got released from prison and gets to live out of state over George Floyd, things will unravel in this too.

Just looking at this group, they are people that by instinct you know enough to not be hanging around with them. You know that the FBI is lurking around them and you are going to get into trouble.

As the Lame Cherry always says, Obey the laws, pay your taxes and don't do stupid things that make you a target.

It makes me so happy these Wolverine Watchmen are in custody, knowing they were stopped tying me up, tying me down, and having that run over and over and over in my mind...

Witmer uses sex to get votes, like Kamala Harris. She is White so the boogs who have not been around a real woman wanted her. This was a political symbiotic dance, and the FBI appears to have been promising the date night.

This is all so much another bad French film.


