Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Call to Trump Arms

 Shimatsu - Biden Is A Brutal Enforcer Of The
Jesuit-Illuminati Globalist Warmongers


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The Lame Cherry is laying out the facts for you, so you can project the outcome with the facts.

This blog has stated there are wars coming, a big war coming. Joe Biden has chosen Obama Obamacons to fill his illegitimate cabinet. If one looks at the destabilization of the world from 500,000 dead in Syria, Yemen in terrorism, Ukraine in civil war, Libya in civil war, Venezuela a locked communist dictatorship, with Americans dying in Afghanistan, this is the future of the Bush perpetual wars for the international conglomerates.

War is coming to this world, and the reality is, this time Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are not going to be silent partners to the flexible Obama.


 Hillary Says 'Biden Could Not Have Done Better'
With His Cabinet Appointments - War Is Coming
If He Gets Into the White House


In our American Motherland, Americans are being baited to act out. There are two scenarios coming to the United States in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord. Either President Trump fulfills his oath of office and cracks down on the election traitors and the Obama Intifada, or the illegitimate Pedoprez, Joe Biden, will force mass protests in Corona masks, election theft, invasion and gun disarmament through penalizing taxes, which will then provide mass slaughter.

American Socialism and Amerikan Communist can not occupy the same sphere. One will kill the other, just as Hitler's Socialism was killed by Stalin's communism, in mass rape, imprisonment and slaughter.


 Advice to the unhinged left - Stop calling for revenge
against Trump supporters or you're going to regret
what you unleash'


The President of these United States has an oath of office, to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic. These fraud elections are enemies domestic and foreign, united to genocide thee American Race. It is Donald Trump's oath he must fulfill.

The Founders built the Constitution with checks and balances, upon checks and balances. In elections, if fraud took place, the Electoral College was designed to slow things down and thwart election theft. If though the system became so corrupt in the election boards, and politicians, it then moves to the State legislatures to check the crime. If the states are so corrupt, it moves to the courts and if the courts are corrupt, then it moves to the Senate to thwart the crime and if the Senate is corrupt, then it moves to the Supreme Court.

What though if thee entire system is corrupt? Is America ended?

No, because the Founders placed one last check, and that is the Constitution gave all authority to the President over the military and that means the militia or the Seconde Amendment armed Citizens to assist the main commanding body of armed force.

It was not any accident that the Continental Congress in their first move, was to appoint a commanding General, a President at arms in George Washington to lead, the State militias who were already moving in armed resistance.

This point must be understood in Donald Trump's responsibility as President, he can not allow the election theft of the United States. It is his oath to stop this and it is more than stating he will never concede as that leaves open the PedoPrez seizing illegitimate power. The President is the final check, and he must lead, so that the military is not rounded up and executed and the armed population is not picked off and slaughtered.

President Donald Trump has that power vested in him. He has his Executive Order stating America is in a state of emergency in election theft from foreigners. He has the Insurrection Act. He has placed loyalists at the Pentagon, and the US Special Forces are now under his direct command.

In this the President has legal authority to stop this overthrow. He has military might to stop this overthrow and he has the backing of 100 million armed Citizens, who will support the military and their President to stop this overthrow.

The President must lead as George Washington led. This can not be the Lame Cherry or some other advocate for the Republic. We do not have authority to command and would be eliminated by police action and other actions by the armed forces. Someone like Governor Kristi Noem could not lead, as she is Governor of one state. She would be branded an insurrectionist and again the PedoPrez would send in the army as Lincoln sent in the military to the South. This requires a national leader and Donald Trump took that responsibility in 2016 when he ran for President and was elected. For the record, Joe Biden can never be President for he engaged in fraud to steal that office. Kamala Harris is not natural born. The Biden Harris duo is the definition of corruption. Donald Trump can never allow this criminal duo to ever be sworn in. He is the legitimate President until 2024 AD in the year of our Lord, and in stating that legal fact, he must move to fulfill his oath of office before the inauguration and after his inauguration, he must move to stop the Obama Intifada with force.
If the President does not accomplish his oath of office, then he is in jeopardy, his family is in jeopardy and every Trump supporter has been exposed to police state penalties in being made criminal for being a Christian American.

Donald Trump must signal to his supporters, that the Supreme Court is not the final word in this. It must be made clear that this President, the US Special Forces and 100 million armed Americans will not accept a ruling that legitimizes vote fraud and the criminalizing of Americans in using the system against them. The Supreme Court must comprehend this message, that this has moved to the final check and balance of martial might, commanded by the President, the US Special Forces and the Armed Citizen, with the consequences becoming a reality of Military Tribunals exacting sentences upon the corrupt.

A big war is coming to this world and under PedoPrez Joe Biden, the United States will lose that war, as Biden will be engaged in making war on Americans who are not of his type. This is what awaits if President Trump does not fulfill his oath of office. It is why that none of you Patriots reading this, does not act out without the President ordering so, because you will be obliterated. If this illegitimate Biden is sworn in, this then falls to the final check in the balance, which is Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, for they will obliterate the Biden military forces and shatter the Biden police state. At that point, either Jesus will return or there will be raised up in the cover of that shattered world, someone who will fulfill the oath of office which Donald Trump has yet to fulfill.

Mordecai warned his niece, Esther, that she either delivered the Houses of Levi, Benjamin and Judah, as she would not be saved from the slaughter in saving herself, and God would raise up another who would be His instrument to deliver the people.
This Lame Cherry has no use for a Donald Trump who says he will never concede and then does not fulfill his oath of office. Handing the United States over to traitor and their international nation rapists is conceding and it is time that President Trump informed the people he said he would never forget, the same people he said he would never forget when they stood by him in the Coronavirus assassination attempt to keep him from debating Joe Biden, that he has not forgotten his oath of office and the Citizen will be led and protected with his full authority for four more years.

Donald Trump established his authority in signaling that he was prepared to cross the rubicon. Someone besides paid FBI moles on threads stating the tree of liberty must be watered, and Steve Bannon urging to hold the line, someone named Donald Trump must make it clear that he will be President and he, with We the People are the last check and balance against tyranny.

Otherwise he should go away, await his orange jump suit and get out of the way for the massive crackdown coming to shatter America and the big war coming, as Americans do not have the time in this time of jeopardy to be exposed any longer in this greatest travail of history, as their lives, their liberty, their pursuit of a moral life are at stake.

I point out the facts. It is up to Donald Trump as President to lead. That is his responsbility and any call to arms, must come from Donald Trump as only he has the authority yet.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

