Saturday, December 12, 2020

12 12 20



 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I do not like believing in Donald Trump, because he has been playing like the lion in a zoo with the cage door open, and none of the tourists know what the lion knows.


While discussing issues related to communist Chinese influence over the election and Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Russia probe, Ratcliffe responded to a question from Bartiromo about how the “Biden administration” would deal with issues of national security by stating:

“These election issues, we’ll see who is in what seats and whether there is a Biden administration.”


I'm not here to to give you false hope as we all have had too much of that shitstorm. When the Director of National Intelligence though says something, he sounds like the same lion which has known the same things from the start of this.

We know that Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Kamala Harris were all involved in the same Chinese treachery as traitors. We know the same Chinese are proven in acts of war against the United States in buying the e vote machines and printing up 5 million bogus Biden ballots.

This is Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold treason.

This entire system of what manipulates Americans has been exposed by President Donald Trump and the DIA in how completely vile and evil, anti American it is.

OK so now we know what the President knows, what the DNI knows, what the DIA knows, we know it is a dangerous threat, a toxin, a plague, a political weapon meant to genocide God's American Race.

To leave this septic entity in place, means death. It is illogical to leave this after all of this effort, like some fictional "show the people and they will choose the good", as the evil will kill them if they attempt to leave, as the toxic has invested too much to let the captives they have made go there was no respect in this from the start.

Now we know what is known in part and it is serious, it is more serious in what the President knows and the DNI knows.


You will soon enough discover what is has been behind the smokescreen of all of these worthless lawsuits providing this cover.


Nuff Said

