Friday, December 11, 2020

And there was war in Heaven



Space objects getting closer: As scientists welcome samples from asteroid Ryugu, NASA sounds alarm over 5 incoming rocks


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 I'm certain as this blog has previously noted, that the clock of Jupiter and Saturn becoming one in the sky on December 21st, the dead sun day, and being aligned with earth, hold a Biblical meaning, as the history of these warring planets is recorded in Scripture in the reality of satan being the adversary of God.

There is much speculation in science over everything about earth, including the moon, as it does not belong there and is perfectly placed. Some speculate that earth was actually must farther out from the sun, and pulled to where it is now by a great cosmic passing of the famed dark star.




I know this is a sign from God, as it was set in a cosmic clock, in the false gods are uniting in the sky in a rare event. I would believe in all the horrid things happening that this is the end times, and this is a sign of something which will appear on earth, a uniting of evil.

We will know for certain as the clock moves ahead, but there are not any coincidences. God put this clock and sign there for now. It is to be noted and watched what comes of it.



 Saturn, Jupiter to conjoin as ‘double planet’ for the first time in nearly 1,000 years   justthenews


Nuff Said



