Thursday, December 10, 2020

Biden's Fraud Ballots from China



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 The United States is now receiving information from a Chinese woman in Canada, posting the smoking gun of fraud American ballots printed in China, Canton Province in the city of Kwangtung.

The ballots are being examined as a phone conversation is taking place concerning the order, both are speaking Chinese.


 This is the ballot forgery which was delivered in volume to the United States in 5 million ballots and hundreds of thousands of these were marked by Biden operatives for only Pedo Joe Biden.



 The evidence is all there, and is evidence which should be appearing at the Supreme Court. This evidence is more than enough to trigger President Donald Trump's executive order from September 2018 AD in the year of our Lord as this is a state of emergency.

Tucker Carlson has shifted gears to Hunter Biden in fighting that old fight, as Biden is now under tax evasion investigation.

Let's just claim the rightful victory for President Trump and then worry about pedo Biden jr.



There is going to be regime change and it ain't in these United States



Nuff Said

