Sunday, December 13, 2020

December 18th - D DAY



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


There are rumors that behind the locked doors of the Supreme Court that a very intense shouting match occurred between the majority of traitors and the few on the court who were vehement that the Texas lawsuit should be heard, for the absolute reason to preserve the United States and the awareness that Joe Biden colluded with foreigners to steal this election.

As the Courts and DOJ have stonewalled the evidence and the FBI is running out the clock again, there is another clock which has been running for 45 days, and that is the Executive Order clock of September 2018 where President Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe to issue a DNI report on foreign election interference.

This report is due the 18th of December, but that does not mean it has not already been issued. What follows is 45 days after this report the DOD and Homeland must submit a report on this evidence. That would be February 1st.

The D Day in this is December 18th, and from information which has already been placed into the media, we know that the Chinese, Russians and Iranians had their fingerprints on the Dominion servers. We know that the Biden's and Kamala Harris were all involved with the PLA in monetary transactions in selling their offices.

There was foreign interference in these elections and there was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris receiving gratuities from the Chinese communists. The DNI report is the political and military weapon which Donald Trump requires to unleash his kraken.

Would it not make sense to file these worthless cases, pissing off judges and exposing them, as filler to buy time for the DNI to complete the report? Otherwise Biden's nuts would have been crowned as dynastic kings by FOX and Chris Wallace. 

This is the logical reason for what was taking place by the Trump Attorneys. The courts could have used discovery and ended  this in judicial review, but instead chose the cover up, as the Supreme Court revealed how supremely corrupt it is.

D Day can be any day the President receives this report, but it must be by December 18th.

  • CIA assassination squads are active in America, taking out election fraud witnesses.
  • We are all now living on an active battlefield (CONUS).
  • Millions of Americans being held as Prisoners of War (POWs) by Democrat governor lockdowns.
  • Media hit pieces and smears have morphed into acts of journo-terrorism.
  • Censorship by big tech has now reached the level of domestic terrorism.
  • Trucker blockades coming. Siege warfare against blue cities will begin.
  • New executive order alters chain of succession at DoD in case Secretary of Defense (Chris Miller) is killed.
  • Biden, Harris to be named in DNI Ratcliffe’s Dec. 18th report… huge implications, Trump can leverage against Biden to try to force Biden to concede.
  • Gen. Perna Operation Warp Speed / Vaccine D-Day briefing: Perna says “vaccine D-Day” is “the beginning of the end.”
  • China is surrounding the United States via Canada and the Caribbean, and plans a combined land invasion and missile attack in the future.
  • Forensic audit of Dominion voting machines confirms their algorithms alter votes. Absolute proof now exists that the election was stolen via rigged tabulation software.
  • Sidney Powell readies criminal RICO / Racketeering case against Dominion conspirators.


 The thought is that the President will utilize intermediaries to explain to Joe Biden, that the Insurrection Act will be unleashed, and all of his crimes, his son's crimes will be placed before a Military Tribunal. where execution for high treason is assured, as Biden's entire criminal network is rounded up.

If Biden concedes, he could save himself, with the pedo boy going to prison, and submit he knew nothing of Chinese involvement but disavows the criminals who stuffed ballot boxes for him.

I detest secret deals for the good of the country. Americans need a President who will put forth the DNI information, issue the orders and arrest all of those involved, and that appears to be his Attorney General who kept Hunter Biden's crimes undisclosed for all of last year, and caused the President to suffer impeachment.

It all becomes legal when the DNI issues his report. This is what provides the reasoning for for the Insurrection Act based upon evidence.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


it’s going to blow the mind of every citizen in the country who’s willing to look at the truth and the facts,” Powell said. “Because there’s never—we’ve never witnessed anything like this in the history of this country. And it’s got to be stopped right now or there will never be a free and fair election.”




Nuff Said
