Sunday, December 13, 2020

President Trump's Overwhelming Success



No I am Trump 2024 as I love my father.



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Fortunately for all the flat brain Biden voters and #NeverTrumpers, they have missed completely what Donald Trump has been engaged in for 6 weeks, since Pedo Joe Biden stole the election with help from MI6 and the PLA.

If you wonder why those court cases all were dismissed and got judges so angry, it is not because these Attorneys are incompetent. It is because they never intended to win those cases, but instead were exposing how corrupt the courts were, and place into your minds the need for something which is not corrupt.

 Two thirds of the House Republicans joined Donald Trump in his case before the Supreme Court. 70% of Republicans know that Joe Biden stole this election. A growing majority of Democrats and Independents believe Joe Biden stole this election. As this idiot CIA Mockingbird cheers at the courts doing what Donald Trump maneuvered them to do, the President has been progressing this to where he intended this to go from the start.

Fully remember that Donald Trump had pedo Hunter Biden's pedo laptop since a year ago. He knew Biden was going to cheat in the vote, and all of this has been prepared, and if you and I are not pleased with how things have gone, Donald Trump is pleased.

When you have Bill Kristol  admitting that Trump's political power has grown, even the pig snuffing for acorns figures out what is coming off the Trump tree.

What gives me hope is all of these people think Donald Trump lost and Biden is going to be in the White House. They have painted themselves into a psychological room, where Donald Trump is not operating.

I see these actions by the President and know them to be prepared and logical, so that projects a formed plan in the President is getting what he wants. I do not believe Donald Trump will leave because he knows Biden will legalize foreigners and end any Trump future even when the economic collapse and war comes crashing down and Biden is blamed. No, these actions from President Trump indicate he is entering his second term and solidifying an end to the GOP and forming a Trump party with Democrats and Independents.

Almost two-thirds of the 196 Republicans in the House of Representatives signed on to a brief supporting Trump’s Supreme Court plea.

It’s tempting for anyone who isn’t in Trump’s camp to dismiss his failing effort as foolish, even laughable.

But that’s a mistake. The president’s attacks on the honesty of the election and the legitimacy of Biden’s victory will have lasting effects, even if they don’t succeed in overturning the outcome.

He has already succeeded in bending the Republican Party to his will and concocting an animating cause for his post-presidency: a grievance-fueled campaign against Biden and the Democrats he accuses of stealing the election — as well as against any Republicans who didn’t bend the rules the way he wanted.

“As a legal matter, it’s been a farce — but as a political matter, it’s been quite successful,” Bill Kristol, a leader of the GOP dissidents known as “never Trumpers,” told me. “It’s given Trump a means of maintaining control of the party despite having lost the election.


 I am not making any promises in this, and I have no insider information, have not inquired even as I'm too poor and tired. The signs tell me things are going on. Donald Trump since day one in 2015 has been like a cat with a mouse, when the mouse thought it was the dog. He has played this with the DIA and still is. When the Director of National Intelligence states that we will have to see if there is a Biden Administration, that is not someone who is walking out the door.

Return to Webster Tarpley saying the elite's plan was to split the democratic party. Is it not fracturing in a Biden "victory"? Yes it is. Joe Biden is a traitor, pedo, rapist and fraud and the country all knows it. They are furious over fraud lockdowns and Biden destroying the police force..

When you have a DC rally in the FBI Proud Boys are mixing it up with the CIA's ANTIFA, and the DC cops just stand there, that is a staging operation in the desire for the masses to assault each other. We do not know yet who the terrorists will be after January 22nd, in who is President, but Americans have been taught to stop venting on kneeling Negroid players in the professional sports and to start venting on each other.

On the one side you have Trump's people with local police and on the other you have the rent a mobs of BLM, ANTIFA and Proud Boys and the federal police state. All of this is happening and moving forward to teach Americans to be militant again.

The Lame Cherry is not making predictions in this post, but to educate you on the realities out there. Donald Trump never had any intentions of winning this in the courts early. If he had, he would have been weak  and his supporters would have meekly been apologizing. Now they are out and about, and becoming a cohesive unit.

The Lame Cherry is not going to be supporting in 2024 if this President does not win it in a second term. I have had it with promises of another election as reality defines this is  the last election with this much fraud. McConnell will not fix anything, and Biden will control all the Obama mechanisms, so it has to be win it now, and that is the one thing which is going to be reminded of here to the President, as if he needs reminding as he has an agenda which all the signs indicate.

So street fighters are being built. They do not any good with the FBI and BATFE shooting them. That means the President must enter his second term and as the civilian solutions are close to running out, that means the President must shift to the next phase or he will become a pariah and a traitor to all of his supporters for failing them, as he has all the authority to save this and America and that is what his supporters are to the point of demanding.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


