Wednesday, December 23, 2020






As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 Most of the United States have been rather balmy after HAARP unleashed early to cripple GOP States in farming country, but the Christian haters, those CHRISTOPHOBES have created a massive CYCLONE which moved out of the Montana Rockies last night. This storm did not swirl. The winds were poring into it like going into the gates of hell.

If you looked at the North American temperature map, it was in the teens above zero from Labrador to British Columbia, with Hudson's Bay just as balmy. Yet this Rockies storm of HAARP dropped temperatures from 50 degrees to 10 degrees in a few hours in an area where they was not that cold of weather in Montana.

This is going after Christians on Christmas.


Meteorologists Warn Of Punishing Christmas Eve Storm   zh

This is planned to shut down the Trump Wild in Washington DC too as where a few days ago the temperatures were moderate in the 30's in the northern states are now forecast for below zero temperatures.

This cyclone did not come from the West Coast. Like all of these cyclones of HAARP it comes out of the Rockies and it takes stratosphere air and brings it to the ground to create these huge Arctic temperature plunges. This is not normal and it is against Christians and Trump supporters.

HAARP has been unleashed to steal this election from President Donald Trump and have shifty Mike Pence certify that fraud.

Nuff Said


