Friday, December 4, 2020

Joe Biden was having Dog Sex when He Broke His Foot



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


OK Pedo Joe Biden is a liar.

That is not any news, but when you have a story come out that Joe Biden was playing tug of war with his dog, a big ass German Shepherd, and he breaks his foot, you knew something was wrong with this story.

The story has now changed, from Biden's own lips.


The Creeper Now Says He Broke His Foot Trying
to Pull his Dog's Tail After Taking A Shower - Twitterstorm

The Weird Story of Creeper Biden's Broken Foot
Just Got More Bizarre


OK this is where it gets disgusting in the visual images, as I am not responsible for you puking.

“What happened was I got out of the shower, I’ve got a dog, and anyone who has been around my house knows, and the little pup dropped the ball in front of me, for me to grab the ball,” Biden said.

“I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom and I grabbed the ball like this and he ran and I was joking running after him to grab his tail. And what happened was he slid on a throw rug and I tripped on the rug he slid on.”


Translation -


Joe Biden was naked.

The dog was in the bathroom. The dog drops the ball. Joe Biden is too old to be bending over picking up balls as his body won't bend. So Biden is lying about that. It also is another vomit moment in picturing naked Biden bending over to pick up balls.

OK the lies expand here, as Biden says he is grabbing the ball or is it the dog's testicles. Biden first says he is walking in this little alleyway......Biden resides in a mansion, there are no little alleyways, so was this a sex stanchion Biden had the dog in........and in the lies Biden is now grabbing the ball and the dog runs away, not trying to grab the ball....but trying to get away from Biden grabbing his testicles.
So Biden is grabbing, walking and the dog is running, and Biden is trying to stop the dog running away, and grabs the tail now, not the ball, and the dog is now sliding, while running for his testicle life away from Biden, and now Biden is not playing tug of war or grabbing the dog's testicles, but in old geezer pursuit of his sex dog, Biden now trips on the rug, and this is how he broke his foot.......not as he claimed in the first bogus story.

What we have is Joe Biden was naked. The dog is trying to get away from ball grabbing, Biden tries to stop the dog and trips on a rug and breaks his foot.

As Jake Tapper will not ask the amount of Viagra Joe Biden consumed in dog sex or if he really slipped on cum on the floor as this story gets closer to reality, instead of a rug.....we know that Joe Biden is lying and when people lie, they are hiding something they do not want anyone to know, and are including parts of the real story in transference.


Joe Biden is naked. The dog is in the bathroom. The dog is running away from Joe Biden for a reason. Joe Biden brings up balls as everyone plays ball with their dog while naked in the bathroom, and Joe Biden slips not on something wet, but a rug.




UPDATE 12/30: Joe Biden's granddaughters have named his German Shepherd puppy "Champ."  

If you notice the "little pup" is not a little pup as the dog is huge as it appeared a year ago last year.

 Another Joe Biden lie.

Ok Joe Biden takes bribes, is a traitor, rapes staff women, molests children, steals elections and gets naked with dogs in sex too rough that it breaks his geezer bones..........and as Andrea Mitchell said on NBC, "Why did all of this happen on Saturday, and the press was not informed until Sunday, and then only that Joe Biden was going somewhere?"

If this was all so innocent, how is it that Joe Biden did not tell anyone, and chose to lay in pain with a broke ankle for a day, WITH HIS WIFE AS A DOCTOR, and then he concocts a story, which was a lie, for a new story with his being naked with a dog running away from him.


....and when like Michael Jackson, Biden shows up in bed with children, getting them drunk, and the EMT's find a gerbil up his rectum, I suppose that will be explained as an accident of hide and seek.

How much do you want to bet when President Trump tweeted that get well note to Biden, that Donald Trump knew about naked Joe and the dog and was being the wise ass that Donald Trump can be.

Think about it.
