Wednesday, December 16, 2020

King's Bishop



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


One of my favorite gambits in evolving at chess, as I like things neat and tidy, mopping up the board and am not a decapitation type player is a most devastating series of 3 moves, which is quite lethal.

I have no idea if this is recorded somewhere, but probably is. I call it King's Bishop.



It is  as simple gambit which catches computer chess off guard, in one moves the King's pawn, two spaces forward which opens up King's Bishop and the Queen to diagonal movement. The Bishop pins to Black Kings Knight and the Queen sits above the original King's Bishop spot.

If the move is not spotted, and countered with a pawn moving or the Black Queen's Knight, the next move is checkmate.

As I had been playing this for a few matches, the above screen capture is what took place as pawns moved forward to block and challenge and pawn took pawn and as you can see, Queen moved to checkmate with the pawn penetrating to the front line.

I have noticed in my evolution that my Rooks and Knights usually remain unmoved, and I was always reliant upon them in my structural moves previously, and I detested Bishops as worthless. Microsoft Titans though is fond of Bishops in tandem and cause all sorts of pinning positions and horrid problems in positioning them together.

This is quite effective even in Titans level 8 as I just played to checkmate, but Titans is still a game which will kill you when you think you won as you leave your guard down or will block you when you think you are on equal terms and you will win.

This is all different as I like collecting pieces. I'm learning though to enjoy a fast checkmate

