As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is not being said to President Trump, but it stated for the readers so they become enlightened that Donald Trump's pardons are as worthless as shit smeared toilet paper. So when Sean Homo Hannity whose spies caused a great deal of this mess in moving FOX to call Arizona for Joe Biden as Donald Trump was about to declare victory, Sean Hannity's counsel is as worthless as it comes.
Fox News host Sean Hannity thinks Trump should "pardon his whole family and him…
In the opening link, the FBI and US Attorneys are now investigating the President on pardon bribes. How did the DOJ and FBI know about this so swiftly? Because it was a set up, there are informers in the White House, and where the FBI can not find a Biden ballot crime, they will manufacture entrapment again to get Donald Trump.
As CIA asset Adam Schiff jumped on this as he was part of it again, "Donald Trump is not immune to prosecution from this".
So this frame up, will nullify all of Trump's pardons, and if Mike Pence or anyone else pardons Donald Trump, or anyone else, this same group of Judges who are not finding for Donald Trump election cases and the Supreme Court will find for those nullifying Trump pardons, as they will provide a criminal legal twist to throw them all out.
The CIA Mockingbird has drawn a line in the sand, that pardons are finished. Mike Flynn is going to go to prison along with all of these other Trump supporters, and that includes an orange jump suit for all of the Trumps.
My interest is not about the Trump sphere, but for the innocent people who have put their necks on the line for Donald Trump and were promised he will never forget them. When the FBI is framing Trump again for leverage in pardon selling, the very quiet FBI which can not find crimes, is under Director Wray not just jacking off behind their desks. What the FBI is engaged in, is sending out their internet trolls to bait threads with commentary, in order to entice people to post things, and lists are being created or more to the point, Katie Walsh's Trump voter data base which the FBI already has, is flagging the deplorables who are speaking out, and setting up psychological categories of who to deal with first.
Make no mistake in this, Donald Trump fights it out on this line. He has no where to go. This cabal is coming after him and his family. The incendiary remarks the President and his lawyers have made, are setting things in motion which will bring a Joe Biden crackdown via the police state.
There is going to be a crackdown starting in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord. It will either by Donald Trump's in going after the Obama Intifada or it will be Joe Biden's cabal, making extreme examples of those they have already targeted before the slow constriction takes place in making the knee bend with forced mask if you do not take a forced injection, forced Obamacare fines and forced Biden AR 15 fines. Inflation will spike and you will be bankrupted and submit to digital currencies and hand out from Pedo Joe.
President Donald Trump will save lives as President. He has his oath of office which he must fulfill. If he does not, then as Benjamin Franklin stated, "We either hang together or we hang separately".
No one has to be hung. No one has to be pardoned, when the President fulfills his role as Chief Executive of the Law. He has his Executive Orders. He has the Insurrection Act. He has the Special Forces. He has the blue line of police and he has 100 million armed gun owners who only have to be told, "You will assist the military and law enforcement in the securing of America", and they will patrol the streets and peace will settle in.
So Sean Hannity does not know jack or shit again. Rudy Giuliani is a fool if he thinks a pardon is worth anything with these criminals. The only thing which is the law of the land is President Donald Trump in all legal authority and order.
It is of no use in Sidney Powell calling for military tribunals to set another election. The President has already declared an emergency in this election in 2018. Appoint General Michael Flynn as Tribune, have him throw out the millions of crooked Biden votes by the Chicoms and Iranians, the fake paper ballots by the Biden syndicate, and and put those electoral college votes before Vice President Mike Pence in the Senate to accept as Donald Trump won 360 electoral college votes.
Then put Trump news presenters in the media to produce the real narrative, and have the military tribunals begin indicting and seizing all assets of these insurrectionists by ballot box.
Donald Trump either leads in 2020 or he will be led away in chains in 2021.
- Lame Cherry
This is the reality and it is time that this President begins signalling this is the line and he is President for the next four years as his supporters are exposed and vulnerable. Sean Homo Hannity is defeatist in pardons which have zero value once someone else is sworn in. Donald Trump must be sworn in for his second term.
Nuff Said
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