Monday, December 7, 2020

Ted Cruz Auditioning For Next Supreme Court Nomination


Please start referring to Ted as Justice Cruz
and to John Roberts as the Justice formerly known as....



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The Lame Cherry is delighted that Ted Cruz is not only a deer killer, but he also is moving to his destiny in being appointed by President Donald Trump to the Supreme Court, as soon as the Military Tribunals haul Bunghole John Roberts down to Gitmo.


Yes what a splendid mind Senator Cruz has, armed with deadly weapons, a deer killer, and now he goes before that court with two lovely lesbians to be enticed by the Senator. 

This is a monumental audition for Senator Cruz, to become Justice Cruz. This is literally the biggest case in history of the United States and Ted Cruz is arguing it for the President.

While Mark Levin will not make promises, the signs in the wind are Justice Alito would not have allowed this case, unless ConFive (the Five Conservatives) were taking over the court, and away from Bunghole Roberts. Senator Cruz would not be staking his name on this case, unless his brilliance would be featured, and this would cement his being nominated to replace the traitor John Roberts. This is an epic rise for the Senator and his destiny, in taking his place in history forever.

The President who will appoint the Senator weighed in today too and was right in stating that Biden is running a 3rd world cabal.

President Trump Predicts “Big Things” in Election Fraud Cases This Week

“It’s a disgrace to our country, it’s like a third-world country, these ballots pouring in from everywhere, using machinery that nobody knows ownership,” he said. “The glitches weren’t glitches — they got caught sending out thousands of votes, all against me.


Attorney Jay Sekulo predicted that several more cases were heading to the Supreme Court, and this is where the shit hits the fan. SCOTUS either fulfills it's oath in taking back the election property of the Trump victory from criminal Joe Biden or next week the military tribunals begin coming into play to arrest this syndicate of criminals.

I view Senator Cruz coming forward as the most positive of signs. I believe he has read this blog in my support for him to be on the Supreme Court. Imagine the delight of Senator Cruz, writing the opinions for the majority on pro life, pro gun and pro protection of families. These are the writing which will be quoted for centuries as the legal basis of the United States and Ted Cruz is beginning his ascent in the Pennsylvania case.

It reminds me of when Abraham Lincoln called upon another hard sell Texan to win the Presidency for him. 

Alito would not allow himself to become a pariah to Conservatism by taking this case and Ted Cruz is not going to allow himself to be known as the guy who lost the Trump Presidency.

The signs are positive and I would rather have his hand than the one Pedo Biden dealt himself from the bottom of the deck.


From Rense:

 For The Full Thread Of This Stunning Revelation, Go HERE








Nuff Said
