Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Saturn of the Ground

 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 Jeff Rense recently posted on Youtube a short video of two Nazi German aircraft which were flying saucers. There were stills, but there was short footage of them flying in the late 1940's before the war ended.

The Lame Cherry will state that there is no such thing as an alien. These are same dimensional beings as you and I, as God, as Holy Angels as demons. and there has been a great deception created from creation. This is about your being told that you are star children, that there is not a God, that beings were out there, that planted humans on Earth.

This brainwashing has been sown in since War of the Worlds espoused the idea of aliens. Star Trek was funded to create an idea of good and bad aliens, and Battlestar Gallactica was funded to make you think you are just the space seed of other peoples.

The great hoax in this is that the agenda now that America has a Space Force, which is aimed not at aliens but at earth, is that an evil aliens  race is about to appear, which does not exist, but it will have to be defended against.
It is why the rush by America to make the moon a military base has evolved, because earth has other powers seeking to dominate the planet from space.

The Lame Cherry does not deny that there are wetware creatures which were cloned. That there are angelic orders of reptilians and nordics, the beast and the beauty for this fairytale to exist. If you look at the facts though, all of this is taking place in the mind, whether it is Whitley Stieber with his implant to enhance his visions or the remote viewing of Bill Tompkins, all of this information has not any evidence. It is like past lives in expressions of belief in what is reality.

I do not discount implants or animal mutilations. Those are physical acts, but they are acts like the Pyramids or Stonehenge, in creations of the magicians, like the Court of Pharaoh, in the hidden knowledge, the mystery religion, the ability to engage in things make oneself like the gods.


In the first half, horror author and chronicler of the 'Visitors' saga of continuing contact, Whitley Strieber, shared updates on ufology, and his anomalous experiences. Former Senator Harry Reid recently remarked that the US is holding back UFO information, and Strieber suggested this could be the case for several reasons: the 'aliens' insist upon it; the news is overwhelmingly terrible; or it's classified because weapons technology could be developed from it and a policy of lying and denial has long been in place. "Conspiracy theories are blooming like mushrooms right now," he added, correlating the rise of such theories with the 2017 Pentagon UFO revelations. People began to wonder what was being kept from them, he commented, and many wild speculations are now taken to be true. To counter this, he said, "we have to end the whole process of secrecy" that has become the playbook of the military-industrial complex.

Whitley recounted his experiences of seeing into a parallel or mirror world at Pine Ridge Reservation in 2019 while attending a conference. Traveling in a car, "what I saw was a completely different version of the world when I closed my eyes." He described traveling on a dirt road that was different than the highway they were on. These experiences continued for three days whenever he closed his eyes. He didn't see an alien world, just one different yet somewhat similar to where he was. Strieber also detailed the strange occurrence of visitors that bypassed his home alarm system and seemingly placed an 'alien' implant in his ear, which in recent years, he credits with providing him with information and inspiration.


As Ronald Reagan postulated, "What if there was an alien force which came against mankind". It would change all of our views and unite humanity against it. The projections in this are what if an anti Christ did appear, being capable of magical things, and telling you that you are the seed of space, that you too have those same illuminated powers, but that an alien force is coming which appeared before on earth and it will appear again to rule on earth, and it's name leader is called Jesus, Who is not a God, but a trickster Who extinguishes life which does not conform the the energy frequency He presides at.

You are free, you are liberated in being space seed, and this Jesus is coming to enslave and destroy you.

Using Christ's own Words against Him is not the first time satan engaged in that act.

Think of these things and how the world is now calling evil good and good evil. How all is being turned on it's head.You are being prepared for a great deception. The very elect if possible will be deceived.

So how much more will the ignorant and rebellious accept the same as their new religion as it is what they wish to hear?

Every base conspriracy, every foundation of society is being uprooted to set civilization in distrust of everything it thought it knew. There is purpose in this. Purpose and reason and it is coming from this planet.


Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Nuff Said


