Thursday, January 28, 2021

Return to the Past


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm featuring this interview by Jeff Rense when he was still on the radio,  with Linda Thompson, of Mike Pence's Indiana. What is interesting is this Indiana native, of the militia movement, in addressing the OKC bombing, stated that it was George HW Bush who started placing CIA assets into the government, especially the FBI for control of it.

Her focus was on a pending terrorist bill which was in Congress and the next president would inherit this. We now know that this became W Bush, and the Patriot Act I and II.

After OKC, the talking point was, "Extremist Radical Right Wing Militia".

When you listen to this interview, you will hear the MSM setting up a false narrative. You will hear things which sound a great deal like January 6th, and from the releases to the media, you are hearing a set up for what appears another event, in the near future and the target word is "patriot".

All of this white supremacy and racism, originated from this 1990's period. It was the militias which were smeared then, and MAGA is currently and the coming narrative appears to be about nameless patriots.

As Jeff Rense stated, the weapon of choice of the militia was  the fax machine. By Eric Holder and Birther Hussein, the Hutatree set up set up a false narrative.

It appears another false narrative is building as the patterns are the same.

Late Linda Thompson Talks About The ADL Set-Up Of
Waco And The OKC Bombing - Start Listening At 11:57
