Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Fragile Gamestonk US Economy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While most of you today have been terrified of being dragged out at 3 AM by the FBI for  things you laughed at with Donald Trump, there was another story which was showing up on Bidencon radar that they said they were going to look into it.


As I honestly knew nothing about this phase of the gamer culture, the following is the short version, in there is an outlet called Game Stop, think of it as an old movie resale place, but for games, which is what I was told.
Yes a nowhere stock that started picking up momentum in the stock markets yesterday, and then Elon Musk doing what Musk does in pranking things, tweeted simply GAMESTONKS and instantly the stock went through the roof at over 100% value.

The way I understand this, this was such an event that the major trading houses would not put money into GameStop for their clients on  buy orders.

Let us get to the moral of the story after the links confirm the above.





Ok now follow this, a subreddit thread was screwing around in what was the typical Ricky Vaughn practical jokes, like that Sam Hyde the comedian was being blamed for all the terror events from Donald Trump and the media picked up on it, and something happened which should not have happened, in Microsoft tanked, as have the tech stocks, and this worthless gamer stock went through the roof.

So you get this, if you, or a thousand of your rich friends, decided to buy some obscure stock, it would not even cause a blip in the market in trying to manipulate it. Do you realize how much money has to flow into a buy option, before the trade ware picks up on it, and does auto notices on buy options? I have no idea as the system is supposed to have built in safety pauses so things like this should not happen.

Now just pause a moment in this, in gamer Elon Musk, a genius and billionaire, just secured direct US Treasury investment in creating his own internet in space. He has been sniping at Silicon Valley, and their stocks are falling flat.

Couple this with Bank of America's alert.


BofA Warns 'Take Profits' Ahead Of Coming Correction

Yes that Black Friday event of the Stock Market collapsing has arrived and BoA is warning people to get the hell out of the stock market ASAP.

Do you maybe get a hint of what Gamestonk exposed and why Bidencon and the traders are focused on it? Let me explain a reality, that Obama was direct infusing money dumps for the NSA Silicon Valley social media spy networks. They are being deplatformed of millions of Americans or sources of 2/3rds of their revenue, because leftists generate nothing online, it is the right wing which is having a good time and posting non stop.

How could GameStop taking capital and raising 100% in value cause a problem for Microsoft to lose 8% of it's value as the numbers do not seem to add up, unless the Treasury fail safes have been removed for an approaching free fall in the markets. The reverse would be true in this heightened AI environment of trading stocks that without the stabilizing influence of the Treasury, "buy options" would increase in the AI environment, because everyone is selling the tech company's over priced stocks. Everyone is selling the techs and other stocks, so when a stock is spiking and really spiked when Musk punked it, it started self generating in drawing automatic buy options.

The short conclusion of this is, confirmed by BoA is that the US stock market is so a house of cards now, that a minor stock could convulse thee entire system to "run for the safe haven of a worthless stock".

Bidencon cared to talk about it. The traders put stops on buying this worthless stock. That all points to market vulnerability and volatility.

Remember what the leaked Liberal Canadian documents said about a collapse there based on Covid drama, and then switching to digital currency to control it? What happened with Gamestonk looks like some Edward Snowden insiders know what has taken place and will be initiated, and they set off this "trade bomb" to make people look at it, and start asking how this could possibly happen with all the checks in place, and the conclusion is something behind the scenes which has the big investment, meaning Treasury, has moved the checks, probably so it does not collapse trying to cover this massive collapse to bring in Gunther Schwabs International Socialist State out of Davos.

As something which could not happen, did happen, it means something is gone to check this, and for this to be gamed online, means people who know what is on the inside, were warning those on the outside something is amiss.

Gamers are geeks. They started all of this Ricky Vaughn pranking and now they are at it again spoofing the system, and the richest man in the world, Spaceman Musk, helped out as he knows something is up.

I can only examine and project the information and trends, as I am not touching this with inquiry in these crackdown times. The actions tell that something is there, and the patterns point to a direction by logical deduction. The rest is what the future will reveal.

Maybe that faction which stole the 2020 elections and is now readying to crackdown on Americans are not as secure as they believe they are, as someone was in Control enough to punk the system to alert to the planned market collapse with a gamer stock.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


