Thursday, February 18, 2021

Joe Biden Too Debilitated to Travel

There was more life in the Mars lander today than Joe Biden.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well this is wonderful as the wokesters at Politico were ready for Joe Biden on Monday to start his residency...........

Biden had two meetings this week. One in Wisconsin on Wednesday and one in Michigan today. He called it quits last night already to go to Michigan.

Biden Suddenly Takes Today Off, Kamala Taking Over

Pedo Joe was on vacation until Monday afternoon. He wore himself out by Wednesday in his residency lasted barely 40 hours.

Kamala Harris is now in charge again.

It is time time to invoke the 25th Amendment and that means Kamala is not President, as she is a foreigner. If Nancy Pelosi is alive yet, she needs to be sworn in as Biden is incapable of the job.

Nuff Said
