Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Fanaticism of Extremism

The military needs to finally ban troops from joining extremist groups   taskandpurpose 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Sec Def chatter has been about purging extremists, but my one question always is, two questions, in who decides what is extremism? 

It is confirmed now that Ashli Babbitt was murdered, and it was a preplanned event as was all on January 6th, in framing Americans as extremists, who are innocent.

So what is extremist? Is it extremist to violate the Constitution, in Obama was not natural born and admitted his "British citizenship expired", meaning he was a dual citizen at least, and at most he was a citizen of Indonesia by his step father, and by the father on his birther abstract in Kenya.

Is is extreme for General Lloyd Austin to pose with someone who promoted by a group to overthrow the President of the United States?

As Lloyd Austin has not thrown himself out of the US military, at least to Lloyd Austin that is not extreme to violate the Constitution.

Would it be extreme to have ended the lives of almost 800 million Americans since 1965? Hitler was said to have offed 6 million Jews, and is the worst person in history, so is not 800 million over 100 times worse in extremism? Yet the dead by aborticide is not extremism, but those who are pro life, are probably extremists for protecting babies.

Abortion Statistics -

Using formulas based on the way the birth control pill works, pharmacy experts project that about 14 million chemical abortions occur in the United States each year, providing a projected total of well in excess of 610 million chemical abortions between 1965 and 2009.

ng babies.The Lame Cherry grabbed a few headlines from Rense which appear extreme in my judgment. It is not extreme for Hillary Clinton to call Republicans "CO CONSPIRATORS" to insurrection and being traitors, when this is the very thing MAGA was stating of those who were co conspirators in stealing the election for Joe Biden. 

Crooked Hillary Clinton - If GOP Senators Don't Convict,
It Proves The Jury 'Includes His Co-Conspirators'

It is interesting that Dominion voting machines, now suing Sidney Powell for defamation, has it's voting machines proven in stealing votes and the election. That would appear extreme to, as in Lloyd Austin throwing Soldiers out of the military for not rubber stamping a stolen election and are now hunted as extremists.

Then there is the FBI being implicated in the staging to the Capitol riots..........again framing MAGA, as James Comey, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe framed Donald Trump and others in Russiagate.

........and if it was evil war on the press in Donald Trump, then it must be the same extremism when Joe Biden is engaging in it.

Hand Recount Finds Dominion Voting Machines
Shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN Candidate In Windham,
New Hampshire, 300 Votes!

FBI Possibly Involved In Capitol Riot, MSM Hides It

Johnstone - Biden Continues Trump's War On The Press

In that, is it extremism, for Joe Biden to have gotten into the White House in Dominion fake votes, Hillary Clinton warned him not to concede, and is now threatening Republicans, as the FBI is now connected to this again, and of equal importance, is not Lloyd Austin a verified extremist for following the orders of two White House occupants, both Constitutional extremists?

See this noose swings both ways. Hunting down Americans now for calling them extreme, is the fanaticism of all extremism.

From Red Square to the Forbidden City, Lenin and Mao both had their fanatics rounded up and wiped out after they had rounded up and wiped out the first "extremists" criminalized by the leftists.

