.....with apologies to the local Jew
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry has been proven right in trends many times by God's Inspiration, and was correct when it spoke of the danger of the Socio Conglomerate, which has in turn put the Military Industrial Complex on a leash to serve this social boardroom committee of 1% rule
I will introduce here two terms, which you have witnessed in part when this blog wrote of the nazification of America to a National Socialism without any of the charms of Adolf Hitler, as Donald Trump was an utter failure as a Nazi. Under Hitler, Germans prospered from their depression recovery. Slave labor gave Germans comfortable jobs. In America, Americans continued to be erased and deprived of rights.
The great industrialist Patriot Henry Ford wrote a book called the International Jew. This has been attacked by the communist left as anti semite, but like Hitler, Ford recognized that the affluent enducate leftist Ashkenaz embedded in Jewry had created a communist system to seize control of nations, and prosper the many and manage the few in misery. All Ford was stating is the Ashkenaz Intellectual was producing a system of dictatorship and exploitation in International Communism.
The terms that this Lame Cherry will use from this point on is International Socialism as Hitler's reich has gone global and International Communism as Lenin's Marxists have gone global. In this, the histroical reality is the Schiff's of New York in the Rockefeller's would back Nazism while the Rothschilds would back Marxism. It is the stuff that world wars are fought over and Germans are blamed.
Webster Griffin Tarpley exposed this from the 1% in stating the GOP would be relegated to a nothing party like Greens and Libertarians, while the DNC would be divided to rule America in Socialists and Communists. We see this strange brew in AOC a CIA asset ruling as a Marxist in the House to Nancy Pelosi's socialism. Biden's ticket which Obama created had Biden as the best of National Socialists, choosing the worst of International Communsts in foreign bred Kamala Harris. The point as I type this is Joe Biden is being shown the 25th door in the early stages, in a coup is in progress as Donald Trump warned Joe Biden would take place.........in other words the DIA which installed Biden and Trump, had informed Trump that Biden was to be removed once getting International Communist Harris into the White House.
From thsi point forward to safe electronic trees, I will refer to the parties as IC and IS. It is what the world is being overthrown for, and it is time to call these international nazi and international reds for what they are as they are bringing world war.
You may have already discounted this as a nothing post, but this post sets the stage of all which will follow.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said