Monday, February 15, 2021

Trump finally "lets" Biden act as President

 Sleepy Joe will discover that thinking you are President is not
being a President.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I don't honestly know how people who write stuff like the following do not put on disguises and be laughed to ridicule by the Washington press corp as Politico has announced that Biden on Presidents the AFTERNOON will return to his White House mock up and finally no longer be overshadowed by President Trump.

POLITICO Playbook: The Biden presidency starts today

It took four people to write an article which is an excuse for Biden ineptness. If he was Presidential, no one would have been able to suck the life out his residency.

Ryan LizzaRyan Lizza is a Playbook Co-Author and the Chief Washington 

Tara PalmeriTara Palmeri was the host and chief investigative reporter of two acclaimed Sony Music podcasts 

Eugene DanielsEugene Daniels is a Playbook author and White House correspondent

Rachael BadeRachael Bade is a 10-year veteran of the congressional press corps, 

According to the above, Joe Biden as president is going to go to Wisconsin and Michigan over Coronavirus...........which he says he can do nothing about, but as he has done all the dictator stuff in executive orders, he is wandering around doing nothing, like Obama in being on vacation since January 20th.

I'm not going to waste time on the above stupidity, but instead school these wokesters in Resident Biden as he has been in motion.

Texas is a catastrophe over green energy failure..........Biden has done nothing.

Biden has shut down American energy production, which is spiking prices, which means record inflation is setting in, which means the economy in it's fragile state is in collapse.

The Mask 100 Days is now two years. This will throttle what is left of the US economy, all of which translates to a market collapse.

The fact is there has been nothing but incompetence by Joe Biden and his agencies. The DOD has shut down in hunting down Americans who broke no laws, but believe things not like the SecDef. The State Department flew fag flags. Fauci the ghoul is lying about mass injections when MERCK has stopped producing serum and is engaged in anti virals as it told people to catch the virus and get immunity.

Everything Joe Biden is engaged in, will shut down the economy. He is on a gun grab crusade, more upheaval and more people not spending money. He is on a mask crusade, the same result in more retardation of the economy. He is promoting China first again, except when betraying Canada on oil pipelines. He has destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs in his first weeks.

I have news for the four wokesters, they have witnessed nothing of Donald Trump's domination of politics and media, because he will overshadow everything Biden does. There is not leadership in Biden or Harris or presence. They are props like Obama who blew up the world and produced a managed misery economy, save for the pretty people who fawned over Obama.

As America degrades further under Joe Biden, America will listen to Donald Trump more and his advocates. Donald Trump will dominate because Joe Biden will be rightly blamed for all the problems, as he took away Trump,  re installed Obama, so this is Obama's 3rd term, which was horrid in the first 2.

Joe Biden already broke his word on a 2000 dollar stimulus. If he was caring like AOC, it would be a 5000 dollar a month check until Fauci's Coronavirus was ended in his con of herd immunity. Instead Americans are poorer, colder, under seige and hunted more. That does not grow an economy, and Joe Biden provides zero inspiration or leadership, and these wokesters at Politico are the worst of this as their naked king is clothed in only their blind adoration.

Joe Biden does not have the capacity to lead. It falls to Schumer and Pelosi, who have no agenda. Joe Biden is degrading rapidly. He will reach incapacitation status by 2022 AD in the year of our Lord and Kamala Harris is incapable of anything, but like Oabma, being propped up by Schumer and Pelosi.

Nuff Said

