Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Biden Initiates Hate Speech


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Why is it that Joe Biden never calls Muslims in Tehran Neanderthals for their hunting down Iranians who love America for their rape prisons?

Pres. Biden calls Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's decision to end his state's mask mandate "neanderthal thinking.   abc 

Why is it Pedo Joe never goes into meltdown over the Chicoms involved in making the Ughurs into one massive concentration state of genocide?

The Left Melts Down As Texas, Mississippi Free People And Businesses From COVID Restrictions - The Political Insider   thepoliticalinsider 

We all know why.

We know why FBI Director Christopher Wray and the FBI never are appalled at foreign terrorism, which is real terrorism, not the kind where Americans are arrested for having dangerous crutches.

It has taken over a year for Texas and Mississippi to join with their sister stakes of North Dakota, South Dakota and Florida, after long hours of the prophet Kristi Noem carrying the message of liberty from Coronavirus for all.

Neanderthal thinking is People are first. People police themselves in their own governance. Government is best which governs least. The Founders were Neanderthals according to Joe Biden. Jesus was a Neanderthal according to Joe Biden as He gave Americans the God given right to live their lives.

In this Biden era of unity, it is telling that the first thing Joe Biden did, was hunt Americans down and stoop to hate speech
