Monday, March 1, 2021

Catching the Clap


You can trust my information because it comes from the intelligence community,
who ran an operation in 2020 of disinformation against Trump voters through Qanon

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Lt. General James Clapper who was an accomplice of that nut John Brennan of CIA who ran an illegal surveillance operation through the FBI with Peter Strzok to frame Donald Trump and his associates, has gone on record that Americans need some kind of daily intelligence briefings to combat disinformation.


Misinformation is the communication of false or misleading information without a specific intention to deceive.

Disinformation is a specific type of misinformation in which there is an intentional dissemination of false information in an attempt to deliberately deceive. Simply put, disinformation is the crime with the intent. It becomes crucial in understanding the difference between these two overarching terms.


The Lame Cherry desires that you read that firsr line about Clapper, as Clapper hung around with thee most putrid propagandist of his day in John Brennan. In that, while the Lame Cherry would applaud the Clapper solution of getting real intelligence out, the problem is Americans have been so lied to and are still being lied to, that the sources we are supposed to trust are the real problem.

Yet it is Facebook and Twitter who are censoring Right wing people in silencing them. I will repeat that  in the small thinker is the one being silenced, like the Lame Cherry, and there rests someone like James Comey who is the definition of the abuse of power sitting on his platform spreading his version of delusion.

That is what James Clapper needs to address, it is not the information BUT THE INFORMATION SOURCE WHICH IS THE PROBLEM.

The Lame Cherry provides this example of Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has been touted by all as a man of the law and will only uphold the law. Then Garland appears before the Senate and says ANTIFA and BLM are not domestic terrorists because they burned down buildings at night, while Proud Boys or whoever are domestic terrorists because they entered the US Capitol during the day.

This kind of ludicrous tolerance of Merrick Garland is what is the problem. His entire credibility as AG is gone. No one is going to trust him on the right and those on the left see him as an enabler of their crimes to intimidate Americans.

So if James Clapper is interested in the public conversation, the first order is the nuts in the US regime have to be removed. Adam Schiff is absolutely incendiary in his decade of nutty charges. Loretta Lynch in tarmac meetings with Bill Clinton in making a fix. The FBI running operations where unarmed people like LaVoy Finnicum are murdered...........and yes that is fringe media in David John Oates in reversals who captured Finnicum stating he was unarmed, and then a gun appears on his dead body left to bleed out in the snow.........and were this the convictions of the FBI SWAT who started that murder process?

There are piles of this stuff and it is real. This is not opinion. There are facts and those who are covering up crimes or promoting sodomy, Obamacare or whatever in MAGA riots, are the ones who are lying, and everyone knows it, and yet they keep spewing their fiction, and who gets deplatformed, the people who are the victims of all of this hate.

Joe Biden has a criminal kid who was taking bribes for Biden...........Joe Biden is in the Oval O. Birther Obama admitted he had dual citizenship, but it expired........that disqualified him from ever being President and yet Clapper served under both of these unfit for office.

That is the problem in this, when Ronald Reagan said something, he was honest and people could believe him, so no one was listening to Soviet Propaganda. The problem now is that from Bush, Clinton, Obama and Biden is they are all lying to people and then sending the FBI out to hunt down those who have opinions to shut them up. Everyone knows what the facts are in this by experience, and we all know this game was rigged for BLM and ANTIFA and against MAGA, and is still being rigged.

So James Clapper could release his facts and it no longer matters as there are so many liars around him, and his association with liars has everyone suspecting that he is either helping the left or he is harming the right.

James Clapper was in charge of Obama's DNI, and he did nothing when Obama sent out hired trolls to dominate threads online and spread disinformation. So the only thing that comes to my mind is Christ's phrase of," Physician heal thyself".

If James Clapper wants to be rehabilitated, then he should come clean and tell us what was really going on, and he should call out Brennan, Comey, Obama, Rice, Biden, Jarrett and Kerry for their lies, as 4 Americans were murderd in Benghazi and the entire Libyan leadership, over an Obama program to let Libyan arms go to terrorists which Obama was running with McCain and Clinton in Libya and Syria.

Because at this point, James Clapper could tell us the sun is coming up tomorrow and if the Russians put out disinformation that a meteor would block the sun light, everyone would be inclined to believe the Russians as they are only working for themselves, and not against thee American People.

Nuff Said

