Tuesday, March 9, 2021

David John Oates Exposed Meghan Markle As A Fraud


We stroke out Grandma, call Willie a racist, and in the revolution
we return as king and queen.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The reversals that Rense featured this week really did not involve politics. They were Meghan Markle as a fraud, in her suicide story was bullshit. Not much to deal with here, as it is just what kind of low life Harry and Meghan are in attempting to destroy the Government of England.

Joe Biden

Vast economic (stuttering) - This dear soul

God protect our troops - Show Biden

Meg Markle

I know how much Harry lost - Her fussy soul (I'm a control freak)

I didn't want to be alive anymore - Home in a valley (Valley is refuge. She feels secure)

Yes this is very clear (suicide) - You rave with it

Father Markle

Laying in a hospital bed with heart attack - Allow this muck look at it.

I couldn't go anywhere - The free love fed up

Meghan reached out to me - Be Catholic you know the love (take the high road above it all)

What color will the baby be - he is the devil god

Nuff Said
