Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Fixing Elon Musk's Starship


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly have not paid any attention to Elon Musk's space program, and only was looking at it from a link on Sputnik

By God's Grace and the Holy Ghost's Inspiration, I know what is wrong with Musk's spaceship.

I will ask you two questions, and they are easy. The first is, what causes all that fire in a rocket explosion?

Yes it is fuel.

Second question, Is fuel light or heavy as in is an empty gas tank weigh less than a full gas tank?

Yes, empty weighs less than full.

When a jet comes in for a landing, they either jettison fuel if they have too much or they only load so much fuel for the flight, so they do not have to jettison it. The reason is, the example of, if you were sliding into home plate, would you be more likely to make it not carrying a 300 pound blimpy on your back, or more likely to break your bones if you dove into the base with 300 pounds of fatty on your back?

Yes you would get injured carrying all that weight.

So you see the first problem with Musk's ship is that he is landing with too much fuel on board so when it crashes you get the big flame.

That too much fuel is exposing the problem of Musk's rocket in the photo shows the rocket landing slightly at an angle, that is not the angle, that is a collapse due to weight and momentum on the whatever the rocket sits on.

OK next question in this, what is under the rocket? The hint is besides the stands, those things that produce fire and thrust in the engines. Rocket engines might produce hundreds of thousands of pounds of thrust and withstand high temperatures, but you sit a starship down on them, and they would break, and the result would be a big ass explosion as fuel leaks out.

Musk has shitty engineers, who are probably building things with software instead of slide rules. You build things past stress limits.

I have no idea what the Space X design is, but I doubt they can jettison fuel as that would make a fireball, unless they had release jets to not build thrust and only burn off excess fuel in a safe way.

So that means only loading a safe margin of fuel for landing which does not appear to be an option either in three crash burns.

As this is suppose to be a reusable system, if it was me giving the South African advice, I would tell him he needs to fortify the superstructure, IR, he rebuilds the chassis which the rocket sits on in a unit which has easy to remove engines and this fortified super structure.

I do not see any acceptable shock absorbers on the 3 pads, or for a single O shaped absorber surrounding the super structure as it would not perform for angles, as the gyro should have and does have the rocket vertical.  That leaves increasing weight, and less payloads, but the alternative is more blown rockets.

I would then bolt the fuel tank on top, or attempt a novel mounting of fuel tanks on the outside which would then bolt onto the cargo bay and the human fuselage. It would look like a hybrid USAF Titan III cross.

While I'm at it,  I might as well tell the boss to forget about putting people onto these blimpies he has created. Put the cargo on it, and leave it at that. What Space X needs instead is a version of what NASA originally intended for the Space Shuttle in launching it light off of a high altitude modified Boeing 747. Put your muskmen on that transport and build those transport pods to be able to be fit back into the cargo bays of the rockets to bring them back.

You can not violate Werner von Braun's rule with rockets in you launch the entire package, but all you get to bring back is the man as the space capsule. Yes I violated that in the cargo bay return rocket, but my design was a huge bay as the fuselage, surrounded by engines and fuel tanks. The fuselage then packs the rockets and fuel tanks inside, and glide splashes back to earth for an ocean recovery.

Yeah it is not Buck Rogers pretty, and is more like oldster NASA, but this is about reusable, making money, and keeping the system simple so stupid things do not happen. Unless you go to electronic magnetic gravitational or anti grave engines, you are not going to get what you want in return to the launch pad recovery.

That is about all the free engineering advice I'm going to provide the multi billionaire who Bidencon has targeted in that expensive NSA contract Mr. Musk tapped into.

I would borrow some of the USAF missile engines on downscaled designs, over engineer them, including launching people pod off a B 52 and see how that goes. Be less expensive and we now see the third time is not the charm, the third time says, "Get your head out of your ass as the engineering is flat ass wrong."

Have you thought of bringing a beautiful woman to mission control, 
robing her in skin showing attire and giving her a weapon, as things always
worked out on Star Trek when this engineering formula was followed.

Nuff Said

