Friday, March 5, 2021

Dos Owl


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I thought I would share a picture my cousin took of a horned owl. I hate these things, as they are so deadly to everything that moves, including kitties and puppies, but this picture was pretty in it's stark splendor, which in many ways is Biblical in what awaits the sinful world, as Babylon will the be the haunt of owls and jackels. She has those damned coyotes too, so this is it.

The tree if you have never seen one is a Box Elder, with the infamous bugs. They are of the Maple family, sweet sap, but the wood has an odd smell. Is red on the interior and is quite soft for being of the hardwood family.

You can see how crooked it grows, but this is a defense as in ice and dying, it only breaks off at the joints. Is nice in breaking firewood as they snap at those joints too more easily. You will never get a birch to snap as it is one piece of 20 foot hard.

If I had a printer, I would put this on a calendar. We got no calendars this year with the coof and no printer means, well old calendars and I just move the days up two, if I can figure out what day it is.

Nuff Said
