Tuesday, March 2, 2021

How the Vax Kills


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Tim Brown at Sons of Liberty has done some outstanding journalism over the years. He has a link up from California by Reinette Senum featuring Dr. Sherri Tennpenny. If you have not heard this Physician speak, you must inform yourself, about the vax.

It is over an hour listen, where some troubling revelations appear in the CDC is the owner of the unpaid rental fees due to this Coronavirus politicization. The theory is you will not have to pay your debts, if you get his vax.

Dr. Tennpenny though has read the CDC working papers and while I urge you to listen to this interview, as the vital part is her explanation of this vax.

I will do a layman's explanation for you before you listen, as it is about the 18 minute mark where you hear the crux of all of this.

Your body has Type 1 and Type 2, white blood cells. Type 1 kills things that are not supposed to be there and Type 2 cleans up and heals. The Vax which is the spike protein kills the Type 2 healing blood cells.

All the animals in the testing died, and what was found in autopsies, is the Type 1 which inflames filled up the lungs of the animals There was not a Type 2 found in the lungs.

The anti body to the spike protein will destroy your lungs.

The antibody to the spike protein will shut off your Type 2 healing white blood cells.

The antibody spike protein will infect your cells to replicate the mRNA which will not end. It continues on in the body, looking for the Coronavirus.

Before you cheer and say that is what it is supposed to do, this is where Dr. Tennpenny says is the problem. The problem is this, the spike protein in your body is there, and I wondered why she was stating this would start killing people 40 days to 18 months out, and the reason is, that once ANY Coronavirus from nature infects your body after you have been injected, those virus which are not Coronavirus Wuhan, trigger this spike protein. There are 36 Coronavirus in nature and 7 infect humans. Once these other viruses infect the body, the spike protein will attack those viruses in the same cytokine storm of white blood cells going nuts in killing the infected human body, and the same shut down of the Type 2 so no healing or clean up occurs.

We have seen people become very sick and die from this vax, when people have already had this virus or are currently infected when they become injected. This is what Dr. Tennpenny is stating. These spike proteins do not have an off switch. Every time a person is exposed to natural or bio Coronaviruses it sets off an auto immune response. The body will eventually burn itself out in not being able to recover as it will be attacking itself. It will mirror HIV which manifested hosts of other diseases as the body broke down in auto immune disorders of attacking itself.

That is what Dr. Tennpenny has been stating is in the science. This vax will keep fighting everything and use up all resources like a cancer or it will overcome the body in the next flu season.

This is the secret of how this vax kills. It is a wetware synthetic prion landmine ready to become a cancer like agent in depleting the body of life force as it shuts down the body's ability to heal.

Make up your own minds and we will see what occurs, but they are going to have to release drugs to suppress the immune system which will cost a fortune or people are going to be in the same reality as AIDS, as that is what this data indicates.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

PS. I think these Dr. Tennpenny links are correct. The first is her site where you can click on her blog and read her papers on this vax and the second is a free course you can take on all of this.


