Friday, March 12, 2021

Is this how the FBI gets Roger Stone and everyone else?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something going on in the hunting down of Americans, and it is now focused in the talking points on the Oath Keepers. At this point the central targets were that former FBI agent coordinating with a cell and the security brought in for Roger Stone.

It was the One America News Network which featured this unexplained blurb which caught my attention as the release was timed with Merrick Garland taking over as Attorney General.

According to federal prosecutors who discovered new information in a court filing Friday, 100 more people are expected to be charged in the Capitol attack. The documents were filed as part of a conspiracy case, which involved nine alleged associates of the paramilitary group known as the “Oath Keepers.”

The DOJ has requested a 60-day delay in the case by citing its complexity and the massive amount of potential evidence. This came after newly sworn-in Attorney General Merrick Garland took the Oath of Office Thursday and less than an hour later, the nation’s top cop received an FBI briefing on the probe of the January 6 Capitol breach.

In back engineering this by the information above, we can conclude that after over 2 months, the FBI found something in what has to be the Patriot Act being invoked, as to jump from a half dozen people to one hundred more, means the communications and credit cards were being sifted through and compared in like contacts, along with social media. The FBI must have downloaded all the friends lists on Twitter, Gab, Facebook and whatever, and then using a computer program to sift the data for like contacts in degrees of separation.

In knowing by the FBI and ATF's own admissions, they have infiltrated all groups across America. So this is not just software, but wetware guiding this. As January 6th was indeed a political frame up, the question is now what is it the FBI has found which is linking 100 people to this?

We know that Oath Keepers who were not violent, did not enter the Capitol have been charged. That is aimed at breaking them in prison without bail to roll on Roger Stone, who appears to be the focus of this. The way Roget Stone has been acting, he knows he is a primary target now that Alex Jones slipped the noose.

Is Roger Stone about to become the John Brown of the 21st century who is going to be tied to leading and organizing a several hundred person assault on the Capitol? The FBI is talking conspiracy and this has been from the start in vague filings about police tape and wearing camo clothes. It appears the orders were handed down to make this conspiracy, in baseless charges to prime the pump, and now there is something which the DOJ is going to data mine these 100 people, to expand this outward to create a network which either existed or is fiction. For example, if people go to a basketball game, odds are that out of 50,000, that 200 will have booed the ref. That appears to be the case in this conspiracy, but somewhere in this game it appears that a case is being built that it was Roget Stone who did the inviting.

If that is the FBI's angle, that Stone can be rolled on by a few of those being broken in confinement, then the organizing by the few arrested, projects out to the several hundred, and you have a Roget Stone army of insurrectionists.

Someone is investing a great deal of time in this make Roger Stone the leader behind this.

On January 16th the CIA's Washington Post was connecting Roger Stone to this.

Rallies ahead of Capitol riot were planned by established ...

Jan 16, 2021Scheduled speakers included Roger Stone, ... for a robocall that urged supporters to march on the Capitol at 1 p.m. on Jan. 6 to "call on Congress to stop the steal." ... January 6th ...

By February 5th, the CIA's ABC had video of Roger Stone outside his hotel with Oath Keepers.

Rallies ahead of Capitol riot were planned by established ...

Jan 16, 2021Scheduled speakers included Roger Stone, ... for a robocall that urged supporters to march on the Capitol at 1 p.m. on Jan. 6 to "call on Congress to stop the steal." ... January 6th ...

The CIA's New York Times though revealed another angle three days after the rally, as they were linking Qanon to funding the way for people to attend the rally. Qanon was a disinformation campaign run out of the DIA. The same DIA which was feeding General Flynn false information to set this stop the steal up, was now bringing people to the Capitol..  All of this is linking up in the published stories posted by the CIA Mockingbird press.

'Our President Wants Us Here': The Mob That Stormed the ...

Jan 9, 2021"Patriots, if you need financial help getting to DC to support President Trump on January 6th, please go to my website," a QAnon adherent who identified himself as Thad Williams, of Tampa, Fla ...

I return to the Alex Jones and Mancow interview, which Mancow stated that the 1% behind this were frustrated when Alex Jones called for peace, as they had targeted him as the leader to be scapegoated and arrested. What appears to have happened in this frame up of MAGA, was that in this set up, the entire framework in criminalizing the nationalists needed a central figure. As Donald Trump cut a deal and did not grant amnesty to those who he called to be there, Jones removed himself by calling for peace, even if the FBI was looking at the funding Jones secured. With Jones removed, it appears that the back up plan focused on making Roget Stone the ringleader, and that seems to be where this is going.

Two months to data mine, is going to turn up something as everyone is connected. By that time, people held will break and say whatever the FBI tells them too, and that will be to claim that Roger Stone was the ringleader of all of this.

It is of necessity for this new domestic terrorist title to create this Proud Boys and Oath Keepers meld as a super group, coordinating, and their political minder was Roget Stone. This will be the Amerikan al Qaede.

This is where this analysis and projection concludes. By what has been posted in the CIA media, the conspiracy was the managing of these groups by the FBI, and their undercover agents, with the DIA in Qanon coordinating with the DIA, to set up January 6th in installing Joe Biden, as the cover of the years long operation of criminalizing the nationalist movement in America, that DIA Steve Bannon is conveniently had by the NSA eliminating all other voices for his monopoly on the "right".

How the Christian Right Helped Foment ... - Rolling Stone

The January 6th Save America March, where then-President Donald Trump incited a crowd to attack the U.S. Capitol, opened with a prayer. Trump's longtime spiritual adviser and White House adviser ...

The key to this is making the ideology of the political belief that your nation is the priority not globalism a crime, a domestic terrorism and it soon will become law. Once two people are broken or two undercover FBI agents finger Roger Stone, the psyops will be complete, with several hundred people who have little idea in the hundreds of "friends' they have on social media, have become thee Amerikan al Qaeda.

This is quite brilliant and what has been published is being set up for a mid May revelation.

What events would take place in May for an exclamation point, are events we will witness.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
