Thursday, March 4, 2021

Joe BIden putting Pipe Bomb Deliverers out of Work

Look, you pipe bombers are going to have to get new jobs,
once the Domestic Terrorism bill is passed as we won't need you,
but just like the Keystone pipe layers, you can build solar panels.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in mater anti matter.

It is said that there is no such thing as coincidences.

This blog noted in reverse engineering the events of January 6th, which were pre planned from the inside, as bats were handed out from inside the US Capitol, is that in setting up the Trump followers by using ANTIFA and BLM colluding with the DC Police and Nancy Pelosi, that it was most convenient that a very professional looking pipe bomber who the FBI can not locate, placed two bombs to be found, which had no intention of blowing up, but whose inclusion, allowed it appears to have the Patriot Act initiated against MAGA followers.

We have witnessed the FBI moving without warrants on credit cards, cell phones and other private information, which Sara Carter has inquired about to the FBI, who then gave her the run around.

What has been engaged in by the FBI and the DOJ appears that the Patriot Act was secretly turned loose against Americans. Remember Nancy Pelosi, and recently Amy Klobuchar using the term "insurrection" for January 6th. You will notice this has been backed down from, in those who realized their ANTIFA and BLM were part of this, and would be executed along with MAGA followers.

This was not terrorism, it was not insurrection, this was not even riot., This was at most civil disobedience and trespass. Focus on that in civil disobedience and trespass, those are misdemeanors and not the kind of activity which allows the FBI to dig into every person's personal information.

If though a pipe bomber is Gulf of Tonkin added, suddenly this is a terrorist act and as domestic terrorism does not exist legally, Patriot Act could then allow the FBI to not deal with forging more FISA warrants as they engaged in against the associates of Donald Trump in Operation Crossfire Hurricane.

In puzzling over these coincidences, as Amy Klobuchar was "investigating" the riots in Senate hearing with more incendiary rhetoric,  the story below was unleashed by the police state, demanding now that they have this new domestic terrorism laws, which will allow them to unleash new powers against Americans which up until now Americans were protected from.

Do not think this is alone domestic terrorism but it is the building block, because what else is the focal point in all of this, but seizing firearms. Remember the story of the guy the FBI tracked down for peacefully being at the Capitol. When the FBI appeared a second time, the guy was sleeping, got dressed and when he went outside,  he found the FBI peering into his car. They challenged him about not being peaceful in protesting, they asked him if he had any firearms, which is none of their business, as they played good cop, bad cop.

Guns are the focus in this, and in these new powers, they are going to be able to immediately open your bank accounts, your phone records, your medical records and your firearm records, all which are protected and private until that domestic terrorism carte blanche is unleashed, and then there will not be any warrants or rights needed or left for Americans.

Just as in 9 11, the Patriot Act was written by Gary Hart before the act, this domestic terrorism scheme has been written before January 6th and those events are being used to propel this forward to end American Rights. This appeal by the police state for domestic terrorism is conclusive proof that the FBI used the pipe bomber activity to go after all the MAGA Citizens who had no part in this event.

As this looks suspicious as the Patriot Act, it projects that the pipe bomber was on the inside, out of the FBI's purview, but like John Brennan of the CIA running an operation with the FBI as a front, it looks like someone in the DIA was assisting this crackdown in happening, and with that building block in place in how easy it was without warrants and rights to hunt down Americans, the police state does not want the messy problem of creating a pipe bomber who might get caught, as it is just easier to say that being White is a crime and having a firearm makes you a terrorist.......if you happen to vote for Donald Trump.

None of this is by coincidence and once this carte blanche of domestic terrorism can be attached to anyone who does not agree with Bidencon's 1%, the police state can execute Americans for being an American like George Washington or Ronald Reagan.

Nuff Said

DOJ Opens the Door to


Seeking New Domestic


Terror Powers

A senior Justice Department official opened the door to seeking new legislative authorities to pursue domestic terrorism, a step the Biden administration has yet to entertain since the January 6 insurrection and something civil libertarians have warned against.

The prospect of expanded investigative and prosecutorial tools arose during a Friday briefing with reporters in which multiple Justice Department and FBI officials described an expansive array of authorities already available to them.

While there is no domestic terrorism statute, and U.S. officials can not designate a domestic group for sanction like they can a foreign one, one senior official acknowledged that statutory definitions of domestic terrorism “expand a lot of authorities we can use,” such nationwide search warrants, expanded law-enforcement access to tax and educational records, and harsher sentencing.

First Capitol Riot Hearing Only Raised More Questions About Jan. 6

But on Friday, a senior Justice Department official suggested the administration would consider seeking a domestic-terrorism statute as well.

“Obviously that’s going to be a policy question for the folks that are coming in” to the administration, said the senior official. “I’m sure we’ll run a data-driven process to see whether we need additional legislative authorities in this area.”

Just release the information on how many paid DC police assets, FBI, CIA, DIA paid assets were at the US Capitol on January 6th, and all of their social media posts for public scrutiny.
