Monday, March 8, 2021

Kid Cua


 "I would like to strongly assure you that I am not a danger to anyone, and I will absolutely never act on what I said. I have yearned to speak with you, to truthfully apoloigize [sic] and show you my forever changed heart," 

 "I will never be the same person, jail has had its full effect me, I am completely humbled , deeply remoursefull and regretful!. After all, thats what jail is for right? Teaching people a lesson? Lesson fully received, your Honor."

Cua also said he had spent over two weeks in isolation, and noted that he had never been away from his parents for this length of time.

"I have completely lost those aggressive feelings and moved on from the entire politcal idea. I was wrong,"

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears the Jefferson's Tree of Liberty is an extinct species, not well watered with blood, but has petrified and the shards are hollowed out for the bird baths of democracy, watered with not the tears, but the sweat of fear in facing time in prison.

- Lame Cherry

As a journalist I view all of this with skepticism of January 6th.  As I type this, I hear the words of President Theodore Roosevelt in the volumes he wrote, where he noted that in the borderlands of America, that people from the east, who pilfered candy from a store, would in the west become highway men. People who were quarrelsome in the east were transformed into murderers.

If one reads and studies the rhetoric of anyone from ANTIFA to those who entered the Capitol like this 18 year old, the US Attorney charging Boy Cua, the animals on the farm, looking in the windows of the house in the arguments there, hear things like "This is our 1776" from the protesters, and from US Attorneys the constant refrain of dangerous extremists and the dangerous weapon.

As there were not any firearms confiscated or bombs from the people detained in the Capitol riots, what has appearted twice in indictments has been the dangerous weapons of a "crutch" and a "serpentine baton". As G. Gordon Liddy once told Dick Cavett, that he could kill someone with a pen, anything can be a dangerous weapon. Most Americans though as the Judge said, "I know porn when I see it", know what a dangerous weapon is, when they see it, and a crutch and a baton are not the weapons which people first think of or ever think of as a weapon.

That is where the Department of Justice and Grand Juries are letting Americans down, and making a mockery of the authority to charge. This is what happens when you try to make normal stupid Americans into insurrectionists. Making conspirators out of them for having orange police tape and not explaining what they had tape for, is ridiculous.

In the summer of 2020, in the Obama Intifada, we had ANTIFA and BLM, burning  things in DC and voting to drive Donald Trump from the White House. That even fits Merrick Garland's "domestic terrorism  is only a crime in daylight and when it interferes in democratic process. Driving the President from the White House, and we know he was driven, as the Secret Service in December warned the President that they could no longer assure the President his safety inside the White House, is in fact interfering with the democratic process. Yet the DOJ seems intent on releasing people on the left.

There is far too much rhetoric from the keyboard commandos and there should be zero rhetoric in indictments. There should also be zero humiliation the courts or prisons, and yet this has become an effective humiliation of people, including what is a real situation of 18 year old boys held hostage to break the parents who appear they would renounce Jesus to just save their own skin.

Alise Cua testified during a hearing before a federal judge in D.C. on Wednesday, she had spent time “feeling, quite frankly, just stupid for believing what I believed.”

“I really should’ve known better,” she said, adding that she and her son felt “ridiculous” for believing the former president’s lies about voter fraud.

“I am asking for just mercy and forgiveness,” Alise Cua told the court. “We are prepared to do absolutely anything the court wants.”

Alise Cua’s voice broke up as she begged a federal judge to send her son home until his trial.

“We are completely broken and just honestly and truly remorseful to the core of our beings, and we’re asking for a chance,” Alise Cua testified.

Mother Cua's plea is interesting tears, and yet when we read her son's comments which she was well aware of, along with the father, it sounds a great deal like people saying anything to save themselves. Humiliation appears to be desired effect in this in the Mockingbird media, but at the venture, these people do not seem to comprehend that turning on Donald Trump and begging for mercy from a Judge is not going to end this.

Here are a few of Son Cua's rhetoric, which the US Attorney is most concerned about in wanting to keep him in prison.

President Trump is calling us to FIGHT! #DOJ, #SCOTUS, #FBI, His own cabinet, everyone has betrayed him. It’s Trump & #WeThePeople VS the #deepstate and the #CCP. He knows this is the only way to save our great country, show up #January6th. It’s time to take our freedom back the old fashioned way. #Thisisour1776 #LIVEFREEORDIE #FIGHTFORTRUMP” - Public Parler post by @PatriotBruno, December 26, 2020

“🚨🚨ATTENTION🚨🚨 PRESIDENT #TRUMP IS CALLING ALL #PATRIOTS TO RALLY IN #WASHINGTONDC JANUARY 6TH!! This is extremely important because this is the day congress will finalize the election! If they dont do what’s right MILLIONS Case 1:21-cr-00107-RDM Document 12 Filed 03/02/21 Page 1 of 24 2 of us will BREAK DOWN THEIR DOORS! #LIVEFREEORDIE #FREEDOM ECHO THIS POST TO SPREAD THE WORD! #JAN6TH” - Public Parler post by @PatriotBruno, December 19, 2020

“🚨🚨IMPORTANT: I hear chatter of DC having “firearm checkpoints”, where they will stop you, search your car (without a warrant) and arrest you for having a gun. Which is an unconstitutional felony in DC. Bring other weapons if you prefer, like pepper spray, tasers, baseball bats, whatever you want.. Although may I remind you that that is EXACTLY what they want from us, to lay down our weapons and be sheep! They know they cannot control us if we are armed and dangerous! I don’t know who needs to hear this, but they can’t arrest all of us. Do not back down and do not be discouraged. Show Case 1:21-cr-00107-RDM Document 12 Filed 03/02/21 Page 2 of 24 3 up and be ready to fight. This really is our #1776 . Please echo to spread awareness.” - Public Parler post by @PatriotBruno, January 1, 2021

The Judge in the case concurs with the US Attorney, and the reasoning is that a kid mouthing off and carrying around a baton is more of a problem than a polar opposite in an Atlanta youth jacking cars, selling dope, raping girls and clocking old White folks with a sucker punch. That is not logical, unless the Judge's perspective is Cua attacked the system that the Judge seeks to rise in power by doing the right things like the US Attorney, and a Black kid in Atlanta terrorizing the city places no one in the system in jeopardy.

. Judge Baverman stated that the defendant’s actions were in some ways more serious than the someone who has been arrested a number of times, who engages in violent behavior, assaultive behavior, anti-social behavior, because “what the defendant was involved in was effectively an attempt to overthrow the lawful processes of the United States.” Exhibit 2, Hearing Tr. 02.12.21, 46:12-18. Finally, the Court noted that “this is the first time in a number of years in a non-family drug case where the parents were maybe not instigators but aiders and abettors and didn't take steps to stop their child from going off the rails. That's one of the really, really problematic aspects of this case,” and “I've rejected custodians far less involved in the criminal conduct of the defendant

Now granted I'm not exposed daily to the dregs of society who do not have the connections to have their names on the lists that cops are given to never arrest those kids, and only arrest the kids who have no connections or they think they can make a quick buck selling dope, and not realizing the dope money is all controlled to flow into franchises and then into Wall Street to be laundered.

That though is beside the point as the only thing I would have demanded to know, as he stated this in Cua was a one time loser, is that the US Attorney in an unprofessional statement wrote that "roughly five or six times" police appeared at the Cua parent's home on the subject of their son.

That was a poor choice of words and does not belong in a legal document where precision is a necessity as if you are sloppy in your filings, then you will be sloppy with facts and sloppy with cases.

Now is this another exaggeration of rhetoric on the US Attorney's part? Meaning were the police there because the kids was being a kid in playing his country music too loud, or was this real criminal misbehavior. As visiting the home is not taking into custody, it would seem Son Cua was more like our upstanding community businessman I was speaking with who found himself in trouble for trying to get a teacher fired because he was a bad teacher, got an F for that, which got the Sheriff hounding him for loud pipes, which got the Principal throwing books at him for not shaving his whiskers off.

What was once the drama of children being stupid is now domestic terrorism.  What was once the FBI being sent out to scare religion into a kid, is no indictments and arrests. What was once DOJ standards and a President in George Washington who had real insurrectionists arrested, and then never prosecuted one person, is now the political heads hanging on the wall as trophies, because either you destroy people or you do not move up the food chain..

Additionally, the defendant has a strong social media presence, and where he has espoused his fringe, extremist, anti-government views. The defendant cannot be trusted to keep from inciting, contacting or coordinating with other radical extremists, intent on continuing to obstruct the normal functioning of our democracy. Given his participation in the obstruction of the normal functioning of the government, and his disbelief in the legitimacy of the current United States Case 1:21-cr-00107-RDM Document 12 Filed 03/02/21 Page 21 of 24 22 government, it is unlikely that the defendant will obey any pretrial release conditions. On top of this, the defendant’s parents, his proposed custodians, have long ignored the warning signs that their son was a danger to their community in Georgia, as local police have come to the parent’s house “roughly five or six times” to discuss their son’s disorderly conduct and criminal activities, but have failed to curtail his behavior

.........and as this closes out, I believe I know what the disorderly conduct was in :disorderly conduct. Kid Cua had an airhorn and was blowing in in association with Donald Trump. Not Teddy Kennedy drowning a girl, but if this is such a damning detail then list what it was, so the Judge can make a decision with the complete facts.

Lastly in this, no one is every going to address, if this is District of Columbia racism, stemming from as Lin Wood states the inner sanctum of the powerful Georgia law firm which rotates people in and out of DC, who dislike these Johnny Reb White Crackers.

How else does one explain the case of John Sullivan, inciting entrance into the Capitol and in the group in which a Black officer shot and murdered the innocent Ashli Babbitt, was released without bail immediately, while the White Crackers from Arkansas, New Mexico and Georgia are left to be broken down by the system, pleading for their rights and then joyously mocked in racist taunts in publications like the New York Times, Yahoo and Huffington Post.

In almost a year of BLM and ANTIFA riots, there was not one story taunting those groups when arrested about their pleading for help. Just the Trump supporters who are held for months in prison for trespassing, as that is what they did, they trespassed after DC police let them in.

No one has yet to address how many paid agents where undercover at the Capitol moving with this crowd. We know in Kid Cua's case that he pushed a plain clothes officer, so that is one such person  finally confirmed. That dimension in this is relevant, as in the past as in OKC in a government agent supplying bomb making materials to Terry Nichols and in Hutatree it was the government agent who was posting the rhetoric which got others arrested, is the hidden aspect of January 6th.

If one bothers to step back in this fanaticism for all, and examine what is taking place, we see a set up by politicians of people. Trump said it would be WILD. Trump got played, as Nancy Pelosi refused troops to stop an event like the riot happening as Trump and Pelosi both wanted it. Then there are DOJ people who are sore that Trump won 4 years ago, and are arresting people for satire and calling it vote suppression. Then there are the hunting down of Americans by the FBI, calling it insurrection, no now it is riot, because insurrection would get BLM and ANTIFA hung as they are to be protected and this is about intimidating the voters on the Right, where US Attorneys are calling crutches dangerous weapons and Judges instead of reigning any of this in, are going along with it, as White Crackers are broken in prison in humiliation and in that torture being mocked and forced to renounce their beliefs in these new re education camps.

If this needs to be condensed to a smiple thought, the American Justice System is hunting masses of people down, to throw them into prison, in order to break them psychologically to renounce their political beliefs.

It is no longer, the question do you want to live in a country like this, the reality is, America is this nation, and 80 million liberals have not said a word to stop this, and Joe Biden just termed this political group as Neanderthals.

It needs to be said that this is wrong. It is as a wrong as whoever was breaking windows at the Capitol. It is wrong to turn misdemeanors into terrorism and it is wrong to use confinement to break people psychologically and bankrupt them in attorney costs.

This is what fanaticism is. 

For over 80 years, the world has been lectured that Germans are horrid people and have perpetual Nazi sin. So many have questioned how a regime like that, which categorized groups of people to remove them from society, beginning with communists, could have grown as a socialist movement with so many intellectuals and professionals involved. It was the removal of Christian Protestant Lutheran foundations from Germany for a secular religion that the educated could set new standards of what was the real struggle of life.

How this all took place was the quality of mercy was obliterated. This is summed up in the words of William Shakespeare, but in the woke world which is hunting down Americans, Shakespeare and socialist Dr. Seuss are now enemies of the state to have their works burned, as they are racists.

The quality of mercy is not strain'd, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.

There is no quality of mercy in America. It has been deliberately blotted out. License to riot is what the left is rewarded with in carte blanche, while the right is experiencing the same purges which Americans were told Nazi's, Soviets, Maoists, Muslims engaged in, and were inferior, as the rule of law in America protecting the rights of those who disagreed made thee American system superior.

Using prisons to psychologically break people to make them renounce their beliefs is not the rule of law. That is what is taking place in this, and is the 1000 pound gorilla in the room those in power are pretending to ignore as they recite the fiction of the rule of law.

There is not rule of law in America. The quality of mercy is gone. The quality of license enables the left and the quality of distensible lynching frames the right.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

