Thursday, March 11, 2021

Living in the Wild Wild West


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

On our way home in a snowstorm, TL and I meander a bit on gravel roads as the pavement is slick, so we take a bit to get home to enjoy our time together as idiots in the brier patch do not stay home in winter storm warnings or blizzards, as it a grand adventure.

So we are putzing along when I look at a place, which happens to have the Deputy Sheriff living a quarter mile down the road who I really like as I met his wife on a rummage sale and he was working the gun counter in the farm store, and the wind was blowing well in the storm, so I notice this newly put up flag pole and this thing is 30 feet and the first thing I see is this 4 by 6 flag fluttering in the breeze and see this:

I blurted out to TL, "That flag says FUCK BIDEN on it!"

TL looked at the flag thinking I had read it wrong, and sure enough below the 3 by 5 Trump 2020 Flag is this FUCK BIDEN FLAG.

Both of us burst out laughing as there was not any give in this election theft with these Americans. I know the family by name, as I went to school with their dolt children, and they have come up in my estimation.

I had no idea that there were FUCK BIDEN FLAGS for sale, so I looked online and there are enough variations to choose from. I just was amused on this Don't Tread On Me flag. Of course the FBI would charge them with something if they had been at the Capitol in noting this was some kind of threat they would twist it into.

I would have stopped but our phone was off, and it was snowing, but I do intend to stop and take a photo of these flags and share it here, if the weather is nice to unfurrel these flags.

I think I would fly one of these flags for fun, but then the drone that flies over our residence, would zero on that and probably cause me troubles, so the best I can do is just admire this flag. If I see the people, who I think were out playing in the snow a few weeks ago with a mini bike, an ATV and a snow saucer, an they waved as I was laughing as the father was pulling one of the kids and wiped the kid out on a corner, I will give them the thumbs up.

I think of the two Biden Harris residences in town who have erased all traces of their votes. The one was a die hard, who kept their political poster up beyond the election, 

TL's response was saying, "I love living with rednecks". Yes these people are interesting and amusing.

No matter the intimidation, the story has not changed, this election was stolen for Joe Biden. People are not forgetting that.

I get reminded of that in the flags flying here.

Now put your flags in the air and march them up and down
You can live it up, live it up all over the town
And turn to the left, turn to the right
I don't care as long as she comes tonight

She's so mean but I don't care
I love her eyes and her wild, wild hair
Dance to the beat that we like best
Heading for the nineties
Living in the wild, wild west

Escape Club - WildWild West (HD) - YouTube

Artist - Escape ClubAlbum - Wild Wild West Label - Atlantic Records

Nuff Said
