Tuesday, March 9, 2021

MEDIAQUAKE: Who has been sleeping in Donald Trump's Bed


Caligula has such bad things connected to it. I shall change my name to Fairy Nice Gender.

Attorney Lin Wood has released an interview with a whistleblower [pdf here] who operated for years within part of the apparatus connected to Deep State surveillance. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have not addressed Attorney Lin Wood's interview, or his people interviewing a former federal inmate,for a number of reasons as Wood went down the rabbit hole by design and hurt his brand immensely.

Attorney Lin Wood has released an interview with a whistleblower [pdf here] who operated for years within part of the apparatus connected to Deep State surveillance.

I did invest the time though to read the transcripts which can be summed up in the person interviewed stated he was part of a Dirty Tricks group, led by Rod Rosenstein, which was involved in computer hacking, planting evidence on judges and others for blackmail, and this group's individuals were well placed operatives in everything from FBI to Secret Service, who had a knack for getting things done as most crews do.

One individual who I think was DEA used to send packages to other agents filled with narcotics and extort money from them..........and if they reported it, he was the internal affairs guy who was investigating so it went nowhere.

Other main points is Mike Pence is a fag like George W. Bush. Pence had two sex partners, the younger of the two brought in children of 15 and 12 I think it was. It was hearsay and no evidence but enough dropping of names, that the puzzle started connecting in pieces which included Crowdstrike which lied in stating Russians hacked the DNC when it was Seth Rich, run by a former FBI agent, and Crowdstrike just happened to be in Ukraine protecting Hillary Clinton.

The individual saying all of this, who says he has evidence of his torture in federal custody by federal agents, had 6 inches of his colon removed, as they agents kicked him so much in the guts that he shit out his colon, and it had to be cut out.
He states he got into this situation in working with these nasty people, when he sent documents which proved the crimes this crew was engaged in to Homeland, who turned it over to DOJ, which turned it over to FBI, which in turn framed the whistleblower.

Personally, I do not comprehend how naive someone is who thinks a group that is involved in numerous felonies, including the murder of Seth Rich, is just going to get religion, report it, and walk away, as a crew is created by the people with the missing links, by the committee, and the crew is designed to deal with people who become problems. The Clintons have hosts of dead people around them, from the crew which deals with the Clinton fallout yet.

Once you are in this, you are in this forever. You can extricate yourself slowly, and move on to other positions, but when the phone call comes like to Stefan Halper, you pick the damn phone up, and you spread you ass cheeks like Paul Ryan and repeat in public whatever you are ordered to say.

Now that you know the background and you can read the series of interviews, we come to what the Lame Cherry knows is the real information in this. No one pays attention to that click baiter over at Cuckservatude Treehose in Sunprancer, and yet in all of this, I have witnessed Sidney Powell consistently linking to the cuck.

Cuckservatude has like a half dozen sites, which cross posts, to generate bot viewers to spike numbers, and in the following, you will notice that Populist Press is praising the cuck and linking to the investigative work Sunprancer did. This is what made me scowl as there was not any work involved in this, as the whistleblower is relating information and if you have any sense when he says that the Rosenstein hackers were breaking into computers, and they mistype names like Sharyl Atkission, you know who the hell is the subject and yet Sunprancer is being given credit for nothing.

Follow down this rabbit hole though and connect the dots.

Lin Wood Whistleblower Connects VERY IMPORTANT Dot on Deep State Surveillance…

Populist Press Broke this story last week, but the Conservative Tree House did a phenomenal job of digging through the details to provide analysis. Read the entire thing…


Who is Populist? I wondered about that, and noted the sexy bottle blonde editor was appearing on Steve Bannon's War Room, and the War Room is featured on the site, and yes that means that Bannon has two media platforms which is driving his narrative. Remember in this, that Bannon was heading Breitbart when Andrew Breitbart was murdered, and was about to release information, perhaps the pedo tapes of Obama or whatever, and that information never came to light, as Steve Bannon shut it down.

Bannon next appeared in having conned the Mercer family, who helped him hijack the Trump campaign after the missing link operation was run against Paul Manafort.

Bannon had recognized somehow that the Nationalist Movement was global and challenging the globalists. Bannon is DIA. The same DIA which was running the operation to put Donald Trump into the White House, but Trump fired him as Bannon did not play well with Jared Kushner. Trump though did pardon Bannon, for running a scheme which took money for the border wall and did not use it for the border wall. Someone ran a like scheme in stop the steal in raking in around 300 million dollars which has disappeared, according to Patrick Byrne.

We know that on January 6th that Americans were set up, after Donald Trump told them to come to DC as it would be WILD. We know from Joel Skoursen a GOP insider that who was leaking to General Flynn and General McInerey was the NSA and other agencies. That is the DIA again in the US military was the front to criminalizing Americans after they lured in Nationalists to support Donald Trump who had the election stolen.

You should begin witnessing a thread in this in what keeps popping out. Lin Wood was fed this whistleblower and has been the source of all of this information which erupted about pedos, and that includes Bungholer John Roberts. Who is now pressing this, but Steve Bannon, the guy who destroyed Breitbart's legacy, says there was not a Frankfurt CIA vote flip, when the data by Patrick Byrne says there was along with Italian authorities, and when the whistleblower story did not gain traction, who gets trotted out again, but Sunprancer, who no one reads.

Ok now for the background in this. I always thought that Sunprancer was Kushner Media. The reason this mattered to me, is in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, I thought like you, that we were all in this together, but odd things started happening as the Lame Cherry was being smeared by Cuckserve media. I knew someone was trying to eliminate all other platforms in an intelligence operation so they could control the entire message, but did not bother investigating.
One of my friends happened to share with me a response from the Qanon trolls which was dismissing this blog as who needs it as they checked it out and spat on it, we now know that Qanon for certain was DIA.

If you research the archives of this blog, you will find posts of last year in a perplexing spiking of my visitors, from two locations, Russia and Indonesia. In checking this out, I discovered that other Conservative blogs were complaining of the same situation. The situation mattered to them as Google Ads was funding their platforms and Google will not pay revenue for bots spiking numbers. What was driving traffic was porn sites, so these other bloggers were being shut down, just like Conservatives were banned from Gaytube and Facebook, as this was an organized operation, to once again monopolize content in order to control it.

And who is the person who keeps popping up in this, Steve Bannon who is pitching to be your Limbaugh control. The same Bannon who had his ass handed to him in Europe by another crew there who shut down his Nationalism.

You are witnessing an underpinning of this Bannon network which fronts for the committee. Rudy Giuliani was a fixture on the War Room. Patrick Byrne states that Donald Trump would not fire Giuliani and install Sidney Powell. Giuliani was milking that 300 million at 20,000 dollars a day getting drunk. Giuliani never intended to stop the steal, nor did Donald Trump, as Trump had been warned off in security threats.

I desire for you to know what you are looking at, so you will not be played again. Steve Bannon is not the entire puzzle, but he is the one attempting to supplant fag Drudge and Populist states that Drudge sold out to the Chicoms. That is insider information.

Bannon did not want to stop the steal, as that was not his purpose. His purpose from 2016 on was to destroy Conservatives and to monopolize the message which he controlled. Those who Bannon answers to, who protected Birther Hussein Obama from Andrew Breitbart's revelations, are now pressing this whistleblower narrative, which is horrid if this American was abused in this way, but is designed to divert attention again as the things involved are creating scapegoats for not stopping the steal in Rosenberg, Pence and Roberts at the Supreme Court. No one can touch these scapegoats who are front men, so the committee is protected. In addition,  we know from Mancow that Alex Jones was the target on January 6th, as those behind the frame were going to prosecute him as the scapegoat of this, but he said PEACE instead. It was the funding behind Jones which was targeted too. Someone went after Jones and competitor funding, once again, who was pardoned, and who has their own platform as everyone else except the figureheads of Levin, Hannity and Carlson are promoting the Geezer Trump in 2024 who let everyone down and Trump in Reverse Speech says that America does not want them. He knows.

Something for you to ponder in this, I informed you all that I have a Stage IV Aunt was supposed to be dead in 3 months or something. Her treatment relapsed the cancer. It came back a year and a half ago, they treated her, no chemo.........the cancer is gone. The reason I bring this up, is Rush Limbaugh had the money, he should have been cured as my Stage IV was. He was not, and now that former Reagan Casey media platform is dead, as if someone meant to silence it at this time, for another media platform.

Steve Bannon is not a Limbaugh, but if sports takes over the Limbaugh slot, a little horn sounds loud in the silence as the only information source the people have.

The Lame Cherry has given you more information in this post than has been offered to all of you in all other media sources combined for over a year. You have the dots and they connect in an operation which is going on before your eyes, and it seems so inconsequential that it is nothing large, but when someone is removing all media content, and only the little horn remains, it is the one making the sound and feeding you the information or disinformation.

I would hope some of the money bags would realize what they have just been informed of and how people are being played in this. Cuy Bono, do not think it is always Jack Dorsey at Twitter, when Brother Nathaniel is reporting that it is Marco Rubio's Pissgate Dossier funder in Paul Singer who owns that platform. Gee another Big Koch in controlling the Federalist or whatever where Pence ended up on the gravy train, and this one has been censoring people on the right, to create a centralized and monopolized media source pumping more scat into your brains.

1 leper returned, where is the 99 out of the hundred wealthy who can afford it so the widows mite is not robbed from them in donating here.

As you probably need this stated, the above is HUGE MEDIAQUAKE information which you are not supposed to know.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
