Monday, March 8, 2021

Mr. Trump grasp the Gold Ring of the 3rd Temple


Saudi Shocker: Temple Mount is Jewish, Muslims Should Pray Toward Mecca   unitedwithisrael 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK President Quandom Donald Trump, the Saudi Arabians just provided you the Islamic carte blanche to lead the rebuilding of the 3rd Temple on Holy Mount.

Be President of the world and be larger than 2024.  You have the opportunity to counter balance the anti Christ yet and join with President Putin to save the lives of the Christians of the West.

Only you with the children of Ishmael in the Sunni Saud family can stop he Iranian mahdi.

Biden is moving to Balkanize the kingdom. Unite them and establish peace. The Saudis have risked all they are to state that Temple Mount is Jewish. Stop taking baby steps and take the giant leap for mankind.

Nuff Said
