Thursday, March 4, 2021

Reverse Speech on Donald Trump, Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The fine work of David John Oates on continues, in providing a more complete picture of the people we are told to trust.

In this version there is Anthony Fauci, Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

What is most interesting is Donald Trump at CPAC or FagPac. The President knows that America is dead, and to prove the point, he is willing to stand aside and let America's downfall take place. Trump's other reversal is AMERICA THEY DON'T WANT US. That could be taken many ways in Conservatives are fed up with Trump abandoning them, the 1% doesn't want Trump or America does not want what Conservatives are pedaling.  Either way, Donald Trump knows he dealt with scum and that he is working his own war with the "douche". That would be Biden.

Fauci and Biden both use the word f*ck in reversals. Biden only had one at a presser.  Biden basically states they are gambling with this vax and want to f*ck the country over. Fauci is focused on money again, and his reversal was "they f*ck surf with the slime, meaning to get the money he would sell his pecker to immerse himself with the slime of the 1% in what they are engaged in.

Nothing attractive about our leaders.

No real revelation in that.


Open up the country - Se if it knows thee effort

500,000 Americans who died thus far - the wolf looks sad

stringent health matter - They're there to stab by knowing this

the variant in the country - know it's sad and they rave

we got 1.5 billion dollars - they fuck surf with the slime 

we have to look at carefully - You will fake

Herd immunity - Had to deal the scam.

Donald Trump

Washington establishment - Synergy show it's scum

more popular than I had heard before - America they don't want us

America first to America last - Death and I would give it

Democrats number one priority on the wall  - War with the douche

Illegal aliens crossed the border - Talk you're powerful wit

unvetted travelers - they love a series

a travel ban and Biden terminated it - the lie down to the head

Joe Biden

100 million vaccinations my first 100 days - Hell we want to gamble and fuck

If you want something as disturbing, read the statements of the guy who was involved with a core group under Rod Rosenstein to plant kiddie porn on computers to blackmail people and procure children for pervs. Lin Wood provides this disturbing incite into the Franklin Scandal run out of Maryland in the modern age.
