Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Sputnik V - The Chimp Shit Vaccine


Spasibo Barry, we ran out of chimps, but used your DNA virus match
in your stool sample to found our Sputnik V serum for your Chinese weapon lab virus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With all the success of Russia's Sputnik V Coronavirus vax, there is something you should be aware as the current mRNA viruses all look to be long term killers once people are re infected with other strains of natural Coronavirus. The Russians are not using mRNA but instead.adenoviral platform-based

Now what is,   adenoviral platform-based ? This virus was based on a common human virus of Ad5, and graduated to Ad6 when people had immunity to Ad5, but apparently people in the Mideast have immunity to Ad6, which led Oxfod and other companies to base their serums on viruses found in chimp and gorilla shit.

Yes the Russian success is a virus based on one found in Chimp Shit.

When scientists began creating adenoviral vectors in the 1980s, most worked with a particular kind of adenovirus called Ad5, which ubiquitously infects humans and causes the common cold. Researchers stripped Ad5 of the genes it needed to replicate and inserted those genes into genetically engineered cell lines. That ensured that the modified viruses could be grown only in these special cells in the lab. It also opened up space in the Ad5 genome for scientists to stitch in new genes of their choosing.

So they took the common cold, and other common colds and gene spliced viruses like Ebola into them to make a vaccine. What they discovered in trails was that it set off huge immune responses as in lethal responses if the dose was not low. They moved on to the primate feces and China made an Ebola vax for only emergency uses and is now using chimp shit for the Canadian vax.

What happens in the adenoviral vectors is the body builds immunity to it, so any boosters are negated as the body is already immune and kills off the serum.

The claim is with taking out other "things" in these virus, that the serum is safe and perhaps boosters are possible, but this does not alleviate that you are having injected into your body a virus which is in chimp shit, meaning you have inside of you an entire new line of virus which you are not supposed to contract in the first place, but you contracted it, because it was in the Sputnik vax.

MERCK was involved in these feces vax and shelved them. In fact, Merck has been counselling people to simply get the biological weapon Wuhan Coronavirus, as they have discovered that their line of anti virals are an effective treatment in people get the virus, get natural immunity and if any degraded conditions appear, the anti virals shut down the toxic storm set off on the body.

The Lame Cherry reminds you that Chloroquine and Ivomec also kill this bio weapon, and those who have the TB vaccine also are immune to the bioweapon.

The problem it appears in chimp shit vaccines, in the short term is the platform is only good for one immunity type, like Coronavirus as the body then will kill anything else spliced in, say Malaria in a later vaccine.

Logic would conclude that getting a gorilla shit vax for Ebola and other primate shit vax would eventually overload the human host in other primate vaccines, like the cancer which spread out of polio vaccines from a monkey, which was what that serum was based on.

China is probing American anus, looking for new lines to use for vaccines as the chimp and gorilla lines appear to be kaput.

Just the information, you make the decisions.

Nuff Said
