Sunday, March 7, 2021

That other Golden Vax

Side effects are craving bananas and picking shit balls off your anus and
throwing them at people.........and then you die.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. 

As Dr. Sherri Tennpenny has warned of the side effects and projections of he mRNA vax, no one is explaining the problem with the Russian, Canadian / Chinese / and American Johnson and Johnson common cold based vaccine, adenoviruses.

For those unaware after reading the posts here on Sputnik V of what this series of AD viruses are and does, they are the common cold virus in a series of them which have been injected into service members and others. What is involved is hollowing out the virus and splicing in another deadly virus, which is then injected for immunity into the human body.

The problem with this virus is once you gain immunity, that platform is over as the body will kill any new serum injected as it is immune.

What evolved out of this was using virus collected from the feces of chimps and gorillas. This is what is behind the Sputnik, CanChin and Johnson and Johnson injections which are heralded as another golden vax cure. I bothered to invest in some research in this, and it turns out the AdCovid is as problematic as the mRNA, but for different reasons, and amazingly both vaxes produce the same horrid side effects in the short term. 

In addition to swelling and pain at the injection site, common to some vaccines, Ad-based vaccine adverse effects include fever, pneumonia, diarrhea, transient neutropenia and lymphopenia, fatigue, labored breathing, headaches, liver damage, and fasting hyperglycaemia. Rare but grave adverse reactions include neuropathies such as Bell’s palsy, Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome, gait disturbance, and transverse myelitis, an inflammatory condition in the spinal cord.

Would you take a vax that you knew paralyzed you? Would you take a vax, knowing that Chloroquine and zinc would cure you, that anti virals would treat you if you became deathly ill, if that vax caused the same things Coronavirus Wuhan did, plus liver damage and pneumonia?


People are not being informed of these realities, just how wonderful the 70 to 95% immunology is. If one studies these Ad viruses, numbers of people never recover from persistent colds. The reality is this AdCovid may in numbers of people be something they never get over, with that damned bioweapon spike protein floating around in their bodies. This AdCovid can suppress your T cells which are all that fights this bioweapon from China, and as Dr. Tennpenny has stated that auto immune diseases will result from mRNA, what is going to manifest is people will not have immunity from Corona due to the Ad vax in 3 to 6 months. Then they will contract another Corona and be forced into the mRNA. If the mRNA choose the AdCorona, then the result is the Ad as in HIV auto immune contractees will have Corona spread in their tissues faster as the T cell response has been suppressed.

The origin of these effects likely lies in pre-existing anti-Ad immunity. Most adults have been infected by multiple Ad types and have persistent Ad infections. Together, this promotes long-lived anti-Ad B cell and T cell responses, include regulatory T cells (Tregs) that can dampen T cell responses. When injected with a bolus of Ad antigens (the vaccine), the response includes re-activation of anti-Ad effector memory T cells (TEMs), which return via homing receptors to the mucosal environments—where most Ad infections occur—and increased production of antibodies. Why are mucosal homing anti-Ad TEMs important? Some pathogens, like HIV, infect activated T cells in the mucosa. If you live in an environment where HIV acquisition is a risk, then the last thing you want to do is provide HIV with an easy target. Increased HIV spread will fall below the radar of vaccine safety criteria because it is typically not included as an endpoint measurement.

With the real bioweapon and the cure floating out there,  people who take the AdCorona vax, have a suppressed T cell immune system, so when Corona is contracted again, the T cells are gone, Corona shuts down the Type 2 white blood cells which heal and clean up infection, and all that is left is the Type 1 to destroy the body as is the case in the shit strain or L Strain which started all of this.

The Lame Cherry still keeping you informed before the stories become main line.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
