Saturday, March 6, 2021

The Conquest of Germ Warfare


Hmmm, Pedo Joe set carbon at 51 dollars a ton, so carbon based
children can be picked up for.... a dollar twenty seven cents each.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I post this, it is March 1st, 2021 AD in the year of our Lord, so you know how long I have known what you are about to learn, as I was doing chores out by my chickens when the Holy Ghost brought to mind something the Lame Cherry had noted, but had missed like everyone else, and when I told TL, TL said, "Of course that is what it is!"

This all stems from the medical publication which was laying out talking points and activation points in how to coerce Americans into taking this Corona bioweapon vax. Remember what these "medical professionals" had stated in, they had to coerce people into taking this vax, because if they tried to fine them like Obama's rationed death, it would end up in the courts, which would hinder them.

Before you move on in this the Lame Cherry requires you to start thinking, so asks you, what difference would it make if this did end up in courts as the courts would rule for the vax and you would be held down to take it.

That would seem nothing which would matter to these ghouls, but yet they had focused on that.

Vaccine Refusal Revisited - New England Journal of Medicine

Many scientific, ethical, and political challenges that physicians and public health officials face today in dealing with vaccine refusal would be familiar to their counterparts of past eras.

Now that you are thinking, the Lame Cherry asks you another question, in if they were going to win in court, and force the vax anyway, would it be monetary reasons if people do not get the vax?

The answer is now, as President Trump already paid the billions, and this vax is money in the bank, so the push for the vax is not monetary. So what is the reason?

The answer is, the delay. The delay in taking this to court on penalties would bring an injunction, no matter how temporary in People would not have to take this vax. Ask yourself if this was temporary, what difference would that make. Why would it matter if it was a few weeks or a few months?

The Pentagon put out a Sec Def coercion video to get commanders to force their popular leaders in the enlisted to take the vax to be the Judas Goats to goad others into taking this vax. See the FDA has made this an emergency use vax, and in the military, that means the Pentagon can not force experimental drugs into Soldiers.

The enlisted ranks are Republicans and Blacks, and they  are not taking the vax. Again why the focus on the delay as the FDA will move this off experimental to cleared, what difference would a few weeks or months make?

We know there is a massive push by Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bidencon. The military has been activated, the fag NFL opened stadiums, as half the military is not enough, and 70 million vaxed out of 320 is not enough. One quarter is not enough, not even half, Fauci wants everyone vaxed.

Could this be about herd immunity? No because a time line would not matter of a few weeks delay in court or a few months, as the spread season would be about over and vaxing before the fall would solve that problem and that is 6 months away. Again, if all are forced to take the vax, there is no harm in a few months delay, why this massive push to get everyone injected now?

We know that the Russians, Chicans and Johnson & Johnson all have another vax in the chimp shit vax, which was created out of a virus from chimp feces. That vax is one shot, compared to the mRNA vaxes which are two injections. If you read Dr. Fauci's latest statements, he was saying TAKE ANY VAX WHEN THEY ARE AVAILABLE, so it would appear that two different platforms which you have read exclusively here in mRNA and AdCorona have the same side effects in harming people, are both acceptable to Fauci and Bill Gates as they want everyone vaxed, with an injection which has one thing in common, the bioweapon protein spike.

But again, what difference would a few weeks make or months, as everyone would get it?

Revisit the answer in this, and understand that medical professionals who posted this vax information of coercion are not attorneys. That means they researched he legalities of forcing people to take this vax and were concerned about courts delaying the time line, as if something will happen once this vax is mass distributed, and these doctors know that they only have a few weeks or months to get everyone injected, because something is going to start manifesting.

The revisitation is Dr. Sherri Tennpenny's research into the mRNA vax in stating that the harm is not so much in the vax, but the vax once it is in the body, begins like the bioweapons suppressing the Type 2 white blood cells which heal and the T cells which fight this bioweapon as antigens are worthless, except in killing you in attacking your body. The T cells are what take out this bioweapon. The problem is according to the doctor is when people are exposed to the coming Coronavirus flu season, that the mRNA spike protein in the vaxed blood, activate and start the bioweapon process in triggering auto immune diseases like HIV.

In forensic psychology does that not make logical sense why Fauci and these ghouls are frantic and obsessed in getting everyone vaxed? We know this has been known and studied for sometime, due to the medical journal researching the legal points.
In David John Oates reverse speech on Fauci and the Australian Prime Minister, there are references to money, but also to neurological complications and the word SCAB was stated. By all evidence, this vax which was appearing by December 2019 out of Fauci's stable, was known to have problems and side effects with this spike protein. They knew they had a limited window before something manifested, and with Fauci ordering everyone to take either vax, the conclusion is that both vaxes, while completely different have one thing in common, and that is that spike bioweapon protein which causes auto immune response like AIDS.

What  the projection and conclusion of this is, as this blog has posted, the vaxes in this spike protein are going to manifest something in the greater population, that the elites never received in their clone cell vax. It is going to start appearing as Dr. Tennpenny says in 3 to 4 months and again in a greater degree in 18 months. The vaxers will be able to hide the vax symptoms by blaming a "mutant Corona" to gaslight the public for awhile to force more compliance, but by what Fauci has engaged in, the information published, it appears that Dr. Tennpenny was right, and those behind the vax have to get everyone injected or the real problem begins.

This is what the Lame Cherry concludes on this. The vax will set off AIDS like diseases, which are auto immune. They will need auto immune anti viral suppressants, probably like what MERCK has developed and stockpiling. People will need these pharms like breathing air or they will die to blunt this bioweapon spike protein which was injected.
This would be the ultimate submission tool to nations. Give us your property, your guns, your children in exchange for the pharms or you will die. This is the perfect platform for global dictatorship as there is not any turning off this spike protein once it is activated in the human body, as it is like a synthetic prion.

To project this out in a Fauci Gates disaster, what happens if 1/3 to 1/2 of the people do not get vaxed in this short window, and all of these diseases manifest? You are never going to get them to submit to it, and without the spike protein there is no way to control them to submit. The old, the liberal are charging to this vax in getting it, others are resisting for reason and are being mocked.
What you will have left is a world of bleaters, and a core group who are without the spike protein and will not submit.

Projections on that are release of another set of bioweapons, which this blog has posted on in the past week, and has to do why the Chicoms are anal swabbing people looking for new AdCorona platforms.

That is what the evidence projects to and the obsession of a complete population vax which is a fraud as Chloroquine and Ivomec with zinc treat this bioweapon, and MERCK has told people to just catch the virus and they will effectively treat the sick with anti virals, as the virus is no longer a threat. In knowing that there is not a threat, and the push for the vax beyond money, and a time limit is in process which is being focused upon, the end result is these vax are going to hold nations hostage in the side effects, in exchange for pharms to treat the symptoms.

When Pfizer is already blackmailing nations to get the vaccine, what will this group do in blackmail in nations and peoples to get the cure from the vaccine?

Pfizer Demanding Bank Reserves, Military Bases And Embassy Buildings As Collateral For COVID-19 Vaccines

Pharma giant Pfizer has been holding sovereign governments to ransom making bizarre demands asking for bank reserves, embassy buildings and military bases as collateral in return for COVID-19 vaccines.

...........and Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the Australian PM, Joe Biden, and everyone else installed into power knows all of the above and are part of this international socialist operation to make the world submit in germ warfare conquest.

This group invested years in this 1% overthrow of the world. It was not about getting Donald Trump out of the way, it was about terrorizing and mine raping people for a year so they would do anything, including accepting the vax, which according to the published information above, will make them slaves to submit for a drug to keep them alive.

Fauci endorses national stay-at-home order: 'I just don't ...

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
