Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Hostage Vax


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In studying the work of microbiologists and physicians, the Lame Cherry has a projection on what these vaccines are designed to accomplish.

As I have written on this, I will repeat a synopsis in order to refresh your minds understanding up to speed.

There are two vaxes. There is the mRNA vax and the Chimp Shit vax.

The first vax is the focus here primarily, but I will begin with the Chimp shit vax.

What Chimp Shit began as, and this is the Johnson and Johnson and Russian Sputnik V are hollowed out viruses. The first was the common cold, and when it was discovered that people built immunity to this in versions 5 and 6, and they got inflamed bodies, Oxford started using virus out of chimp feces. There are two lines now in chimp and gorilla shit viruses hollowed out, that the Coronavirus is spliced into. This vax has been effective, but you only get one chance with this vax, as the body builds immunity to it, and will eat the next vax based on this feces virus.

China built their Ebola vax on this hollowed out virus, This vax lasts about 3 months, meaning you get the vax, the antibodies build up, and in 3 months you are shit for shinola out of fortune again in facing the bioweapon again. This time without the option of feces virus platforms.

This is going to cause a propaganda surge from Dr. Anthony Fauci by design to manipulate populations again.

Ok the mRNA is the focus here, as millions of these serums have been injected and twice injected. Dr. Sherri Tennpenney has stated the danger of the mRNA is when you become reinfected. That is when the spike protein goes into action and your body gets into auto immune trouble.

What the projection on this vax is this:

  • The mRNA is making billions for pharma and the Gates control of the world in his group.
  • The mRNA is going to manifest in the months ahead when Coronavirus groups start infecting people again, that those people will have auto immune responses, like AIDS.
  • The way to project money from this is to sell anti viral HIV drugs to keep people alive as there is not any turning off the spike protein vax once it is activated.
  • The way to control populations to submit to gun control. money control etc... is to hold them hostage for the anti viral drugs which will be the only measure to keep them alive.
This is what following the logic in this projects. The J & J and Spunik is a one time control without any boosters. That leaves people to be reinfected. You will notice that China, Russia and numbers of 3rd world cesspools are getting the Chimp Shit vax. The White European, American, Canadian and Australian are receiving the mRNA which is the hostage vax.

This will include American groups of Blacks and Latins in their elimination and control.

There is a reason that Fauci and Gates are pushing even children to be injected. Once people are injected, is the crucial key control as one can make them submit and make them addictive to pharms which will save their lives. That is how this Rockefeller group has operated in peddling harm thy patient drugs over healing.

I do not believe that they will release a new biological weapon, as the ludicrous propaganda is ruling in new mutants not killing anyone but being deadly and the last virus which does not show up on tests............yes because it is not the bioweapon and is just a common cold.

Jeff Rense has mentioned the problems with early HIV infections which the 1% created, and that was the reality that HIV kept mutating downward to survive, in not being deadly. This bioweapon is mutating down, but the hysteria of the mask crowd and those running out to get vaxed has had he effect. There will be other "outbreaks", but the outbreaks are going to be the results of the mRNA injection.
I have not had enough time to study the chimp shit vax, but monkeys have hosts of bad viruses in them which are part of this platform. Perhaps something like cancer will manifest or it may be as simple as those vaxed will not be immune for new natural rounds of the flu, and this will be Fauci's masks into 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, and forced mRNA injections as they blackmail entire populations and those injected demand free meds for treating this debilitation now blamed on Coronavirus Wuhan.

I live in the last place on earth, and it is low population in being the end of the earth. My cousin informed me that 850 people lined up for the vax. that is about half the voting population of my area. They are old, stupid, young stupid and when this mRNA begins manifesting auto immune problems for people, half of my county is going to be dead.

Who will replace them? Is this why Pedo Joe is importing millions of Latins to replace these new dead and dying Americans, who as has been reported is the CDC owns the mortgages of people who can not pay their rent, it is viable to believe that Bill Gates syndicate, will trade oldster's property for these expensive HIV treatments.
Dump them into the Cuomo old folks home, and place Chinese and Mexicans into those homes and on those lands. Our local conglomerate is bragging one of their slave Mexicans bought a farm in working for them. Yes this is pure socialism in they are helping this Mexican to buy a farm that they did not for any American, so you are witnessing the chamber of commerce wave in this of economics.

What this Lame Cherry believes without inquiry is that people and nations will be held hostage to the vax treatment. That group of Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota and Wyoming is gong to be overrun with replacements as the people who took this vax are incapacitated or dead.

What you read here first in projections are the next exclusives of others and the headlines of the future.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

