Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Vaxophile Dr. Anthony Fauci


I come to vax your blood.....

Biden Admin "Working Directly" With Big Tech To Crush Vaccine Dissent

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Anthony Fauci discovers new ways to become even more disturbingly creepy at every news cycle. His Christmas terror of children in relating Santa to the Coronavirus, was as Christophobic as anything Rob Reiner unleashes in Christian hatred.
David John Oates in revere speech has exposed Fauci in his own words as a conman who is only interested in profits over this vax scare.

Jeff And David Oates
Reverse Speech Shreds Fauci

It is on this stellar Dr. Mengele platform, that Fauci was back at it again, with the Biden regime now working with Big Tech platforms to shut down all vaccine dissent. The Lame Cherry rises to this and asks the question, "Is it dissent when UPI, Bloomberg, Science and even Dr. Fauci, himself have said the vaccine will not work on Fauci's new target in millions of American children".

The quote in the article of Fauci targeting children is that he is going first after  teenagers and then by August he is targeting six year olds, just as he did in the Santa terror of Christmas.

Earlier this week, White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci told ProPublica that children as young as first graders might be able to get the vaccine by the time school is scheduled to start in the fall.

Fauci previously said he expected the 12-to-15-year-old age group to be authorized by late spring or early summer. The timeline is based on safety trials of the vaccine done slowly in younger age groups, beginning with the 12-to-15 range and moving down from there.

Here is the problem with Dr. Anthony vaxing children as germ spreaders. We have known from the start of this that children do not contract or spread this virus. As the Lame Cherry has stated, here is UPI, Bloomberg, Science Daily, and the press of Australia and the French authorities have all stated that children do not contract or spread this virus.

For Dr. Anthony Fauci to push as regime policy to inject serums into children which are unnecessary and dangerous is absolutely criminal. Criminal in it endangers children. Criminal in it is charging someone hundreds of millions of dollars for these vaccinations to take place. Criminal in it will traumatize children more.

In the words of Dr. Fauci, himself, he has stated that the Covid vaccines are less effective in the new mutations, which is the biological weapon becoming less deadly in order to survive, which is what all virus do to survive.

If you do not trust Fauci as he is a liar, there is Daily Mail that the Oxford serum is less effective, as Today noted the same information.

Dr. Anthony Fauci knows the vaccines are not necessary for children. Dr. Anthony Fauci knows that children do not spread this virus. Dr. Anthony Fauci knows that the vaccines are becoming obsolete every day.

So is it just that Dr. Fauci is pimping for the vax manufacturers as Bill Gates stated he invested 20 billion and made 200 billion on vaxes,  Or is the information on these vaxes having something more in them and an agenda is  taking place, the reason the Dr. Anthony Fauci who helped Barack Obama fund the Chinese Wuhan weapon's lab where this virus appeared from, this Dr. Fauci who covered up that Chloroquine was an effective treatment, engaged in more Dr. Mengele mass human experiments.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a VAXOPHILE, he is Dr. Strangelove obsessed with the atomic bomb, Fauci is obsessed with injecting everyone with this serum, even those who should never receive it, as all vaccines carry risks and there is no reason to inject mRNA material into any child who is never going to spread this virus.

It is past time that Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates explain under oath what their motives are. When MERCK has stopped giving their serum, told people to catch the virus, as their anti virals are an effective treatment for those who are in dire medical situations, it is time that those proven liars who are endagnering the public face public scrutiny and more to the point the FBI starts protecting American children.

Nuff Said

