Tuesday, March 2, 2021

There are Bigger things for the Right than holding Kamalas coat as she Off's Pedo Joe

That Biden is after Mahdicide

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really would appreciate it if these people on the right in the Gayway Pundit and others who are helping make Kamala Harris resident of the White House, to stop as this does not need any assistance. What requires focus is the reality of something Biden said, while everyone was heaping up how brain dead Biden is.

Yes Joe Biden squints and struggles. He has major mental sickness issues, but ignoring what he said in the clip below is setting up you to not being able to afford gas for your car.

In this interview in Houston, it is not Jill Biden jumping in, it is not Biden straining for thoughts, it is not Biden putting kids in cages, it s what he says about Saudi Arabia which is going to be the kill shot for the United States

Listen to what Biden says. He says he is implemented new policies for Saudi Arabia on Human Rights. Saudi Arabia is a bunch of Sunni terrorists who require beheadings to keep them in line. The ones in prison belong in prison.

For those who do not get this the United States has been involved in 4 Muslim Wars, and I'm not talking about Bush fam in the Gulf. Jimmy Carter with MI6 overthrew the secular Shah of Iran, for Muslim Baathists, and created an Obama nuclear armed state. Bill Clinton carved off Christian Serbian lands for Kosovo, giving Islam a beach head in Europe which brought about 9 11. Birther Hussein Obama had Soros force Colonel Khadaffi to let loose his terrorists and it turned Libya in to a shit hole, which got Americans murdered over weapons from Libya flowing into another Muslim War in Syria which America is still being bled by.

In all of these wars, America lost, and they were all couched in Human Rights and were disasters for the United States. Now Joe Biden is doing to Saudi Arabia what Jimmy Carter and Birther Hussein did to Iran, Syria and Libya, and he same disaster will take place, this time though with a nuclear Sunni power, which stabilizes world oil prices and owns most of American finance and commerce.

Bluntly put, Joe Biden is about to topple the Saudi Royals, and hand all that nuclear power, financial power, money power and terror power to Sunni Muslims, who will rethink their alliance with Tel Aviv and America, and join with Tehran in a nuclear terror war against the West.

Put it this way, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Russia control a huge part of the world oil supply. They can embargo  the world supply and destroy the West's economy. Saudi Arabia is the oil hub of the Mideast, and takes with it when overthrown all the other kingdoms. This will bring a nuclear war without a doubt.

While the majority people want their pound of flesh off of Biden for stealing the election, he is about to fillet thew world and the key to globalists winning is toppling Saudi Arabia, and that is what Biden's Human Rights policies are going to bring about.

Remember that this blog told you that MAGA was dead by the policies Donald Trump engaged in. The same policies Biden is engaged in, will topple the Saudi Royals and send off a chain reaction to obliterate what is left of the Protestant Christian West.

You people need to wake up, and stop cheering these diversions. Yes it is wrenching to see Biden in what his own are putting him through and yes he deserves it as it brings closure,but what he is involved with is lethal for what is the remnant of the United States. There is no  going back, there is no putting things together again, there is no more fiction of the American Republic restored, what follows this is famine, pestilence, collapse and death.

The Jimmy Carter disaster of Iran is the Joe Biden policy for Saudi Arabia. This has nothing to do with Human Rights. This is about the kill shot to American Republicanism.

Nuff Said
