Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Up your ass and Up your nose


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you can watch the following video that Rense was featuring, you will see what others have discovered in there are things that should not be there in these test kits. China made this, and it appears to be full of black nano fibers, meaning they are shoving this into the fragile bone near your brain and installing these nano particles.

This is a deliberate act of Biowarfare. The package was sealed and yet, there are things in it, that were made in China, to be implanted into American brains.

Anthony Fauci and Obama started this, with Bill Gates for the 1% and now they are forcing GeneOcide Passports on people.

This is the Dr. Mengele nightmare of the 21st century.


Nuff Said
