Wednesday, March 3, 2021

We must arrest those who have only banned some of Dr. Seuss' Books


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry had no idea that Dr. Seuss was the children's books that Adolf Hitler grew up reading in Austria as a child and that he was on the KKK book club list. I knew about the Cat in the Hat, but came across these featured books which are apparently the tip of the Seuss iceberg.

The Lame Cherry joins in the book banning and calls for the removal of other hurtful writings. Books like Dreams of my Father by Barack Hussein Obama is hurtfully named in misogyny of neglecting women. The homosexual musical Hamilton. Ham is offensive to Jews, we must make all plays kosher. Will Smith's movies must be banned. Men in BLACK, how racist. John Fogerty in RUN THROUGH THE JUNGLE, how ungreen is that in leaving out the Rain Forest.

Let us all join in this cleansing of all of these hurtful people's creations. 

Fanaticism has let us all down. The FBI must be handed out flame throwers to raid libraries to burn books to do make this legal.  We must have a Homeland Security ARTISTS REVIEW BOARD where artists must be made to kneel in support of the destruction of their hurtful works.

We must all be deprogrammed by this monstrous exposure which has harmed all of us.

The tragedy of reading. There must be an end to all of this reading.  No  more schools. No more learning. No more media, no more entertainment. Only good wholesome living for the unemployed professors, psychologists, teachers, everyone exposed to Dr. Seuss as they can not be trusted. We must begin here and place all those exposed in quarantine, in camps, in isolation, until appropriate education has been administered again to all of these contaminated adults.

We must examine those who have enabled in this, who left Seuss' work still on the shelves in only removing six books and not all. How desensitized have they become, how racist in not recognizing that all must be removed. Yes let us send the FBI after them first and being there. Those who have not gone to the necessary measures in removing things worse than guns,  those who have kept books which all should have been banned.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
