Sunday, September 19, 2021

Being Willing.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So it was like my birthday. The year has been taxing, shitty, and not enough nice weather. So in needing more shit done than I can get done, I just decided, I was going to take the day off, as I have had lots of shitty birthdays in my life. I really can not remember any that were that great.

So the plan was to get a take out breakfast in town to get away from things and just go to the park and enjoy some time with TL. We did that, went for a walk, ended up on the railroad tracks, I decided to walk to the bridge and there we saw families of carp doing what carp do in groups, which was neat as they were not in the least wild and there were lots of them.

The rest of the day was supposed to be to just get gas, get some cat food, get a long bolt, and then smoke some meat so I will not have cook for a few days as this year we made Black Forest Cake, which we have never had and I was not into sweet things, and I just felt visiting German heritage that day and enjoying myself in a new food experience.

So we pull up to get gas, and some ...........never mind, but we backed up the pump and someone pulled in and I thought they were mad I did that, when I looked up and it was Dale, who I was confirmed with, and I used to talk to his dad allot before he died this past year. His brother in law was like big brother to me and I do miss that guy a great deal.

So background on this, Dale has a shop which manufactures really neat things for industry. I stopped and asked if a tractor cab he had was for sale. One of the employees was there and told us to come back when the boss was there.
I of course did not get back, came back when I saw a for sale sign on the the cab, but was too late as someone else already purchased it.

I talked to Dale, caught up on things and had a pleasant time and found out the name of the place he had picked the cab up from out of state. I contacted them, no reply.

So I have been a willing on that tractor cab that the guy would not pick it up. That is why Dale stopped me in he asked if I was still interested as the guy had not paid for it, nor had he came back, so a month of that, Dale sold it to me for 350 bucks.

It has all the glass and is in very good shape. I just have to paint it, figure out how to hook up the heater as I have no idea about the AC, and maybe the Tractor Whisperer can help or hook up the electronics.

As I did not have a trailer, Dale loaded it in the pick up and it only moved when I hit a rut turning in the driveway. I had no idea how to get that thing out of the bed of the pickup, but the Holy Ghost leads, almost tipped it over on the bad, but that SuperMTA earned it's worth today in lifting it out of the bed as TL drove out from under it.

So that was the hot sweaty hours we had in the afternoon and I still have to BBQ. I'm willing on lots of things. I did not get what I wanted in donations on the birthday, but I'm willing on things and in this tractor cab it was like puppets on a string with God's blessing in my being willing.

I'm thinking I will have to get the neighbor over to lift it to mount on the tractor as this is a bit heavier than what I thought a tractor cab should be.

So for all the looking, asking, no replies, missing my opportunity, God came through again. Never will figure God out, but being willing is an important part of it all. I guess this is the tractor cab God got for me on my birthday.

Nuff Said
