Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Signs of the Vaxed Shed


My what big prions you have Anthony

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The 1% who have this Fauci vax that Donald Trump exudes adoration for, are never going to provide the details of this toxin as it would aid in the treatment in dealing with the effects. I have nothing against the vaxed, but they have made their choice, and as prions + humans = death if they are responsible they had better get their future care in order and their cemetery plot paid for as there will not be a world with zombie who will do humane care.

The ReVaxNik is what this focus is on as the most prudent scientific advice from the writers on Star Trek was Kirk's line, "Spock if you can't tell me what it is, tell me what it isn't".

We now have via this blog empirical evidence concerning the vax shedding. It affects adults differently from children.

Adults who are sensitive run a myriad of symptoms from burning skin, deep bruising, diarrhea, organ pain in skin to skin contact. When the prion is breathed in, they suffer Bell's Palsey and to a greater extent sinus bleeding which requires transfusions.

Children are polar opposite as my cousin's 8 year old son exhibited and as numerous other children are manifesting in this Neuvo COVID, a pneumonia which puzzles physicians which looks exactly like COVID but the fast tests produce false negatives, according to the doctors. The reality is, the Coronavirus spike protein IS NOT the synthetic prion of the vax, so no test will show this prion as a virus, because it is not a virus. It is gene altering therapy as it was designed to be.

The reality is, the two primary transmission points are touch and breathing the prion in. There appears still to be feces infections which are quite deadly, but touch and breathing are the main transmission points.

Adults in breathing, have sinuses which rupture blood and brains that are affected in the facial muscles. Children, their breathing in the prion instead manifests in lung irritation, which then produces fluid build up.

This is different from the spike protein and Remdesivir in kidney failure filling up the lungs. This is instead little bodies who can not carry the prion loads, or allergy loads in their bodies.

As long as this is not affecting you, it is fascinating in this weaponized prion of human evolution. I have been affected, but it is more fascinating now that I'm recovering from another exposure from my Jewish agriculture supply guy. These exposure were NOT direct contact. So it had to be in the air. What TL and I both dealt with were diarrhea as the body was flushing this prion, but I also had that odd throat and ear thing which went away with treatment. I did though this time have two days of lung pain as scar tissue was affected. Both of us were again drop dead tired, but this is coming out of the worst of it 18 days in. As I have told you before, this exposure in overload is not like an allergy in over in a few days with antihistamines. This shit takes time to flush out of the body as it seems to replicate and stay in a holding pattern.

The children with the Neuvo COVID are not treated with anti virals. The treatment was steroids and a nebulizer every 4 hours. That means this is inflammation and not infection in the lungs. That means an outside source and that is the priion shed from adults.

I'm not Inspired yet to explain the prion load. Children though appear to be able to deal with vaxed family members and the prions in the food of life, but add to that school and a geezer retirement community and these children are no longer capable to flush the toxin.
TL did notice this child looked more pale over the summer, so the prions were being fought off, but again, the overload develops lungs filling up with fluids. I of course am keeping my mouth shut, as all hell would blame me for this, in pointing out the kid is being infected by his family and his after school situation. People do not like hearing that they caused the problem. Again this is their choices and they will have to deal with the consequences.

This prion in adults is fascinating in the effects it has, our experience again was a residual exposure. Thankfully we have not gotten the full up the snout prion dose that people have who bleed like an artery is cut. Probably helps I breathe like TL through our mouths mostly, because our noses are usually plugged up from allergens.

I heard from a Rense posting that one vax has 40 trillion prions in it. That is an immense amount, but consider how fast this prion multiplies to the shed load, and one is speaking of gazillion in numbers. In the numbers of overload, environments must have literally gazillions of these prions in the air ducts, on people's clothes and in the air. I can only project in what I have as a test case in, a child around family members is capable of dealing with the prions. Add school and geezers and they get deathly ill.

For adults it appears that close contact with a vaxed person in breathing the same air, will produce nasal bleeds in a day. The prion as I stated is fascinating in it does stick into cells of all types. It is more like shards of cut glass or for that matter like asbestos, in it impales everything. In the lungs, there is tissue, so it inflames with fluids. In the intestines it causes diarrhea as the lining being injured sheds and expels the tissue. In the sinus, it weakens membranes and the result is bleeding.

I was asking why Bell's Palsey and not MS, MD or Cerebral Palasey. I was asking why bleeding from the nose and not the ass. It has to be the prion in being shed and absorbed it impales the location, as the person I bumped my arm against and it felt like a burn later, turned red and then the deep tissue was black in a massive bruise. If you breathe this prion in, it bleeds your sinuses if enough tissue is affected, it does not travel to your ass. The shed prion does not seem to travel. It stays near the infection exposure site.

That is not to say that hearts, kidneys etc... are not affected. I can tell you that this Goddamned prion affects eyes, as mine have been affected in all of this. The eyes are mucous so they provide like the sinus an area to stick itself into. Even with the treatment God provided me, it takes time to flush this back out of the body and for the body to heal again.

All of this information is of value in dealing with this prion. The 1% has all of this data in testing before this was released. We though have to see what is happening in the species and then piece the information together to understand what it is and how to deal with the injuries.

There was a girl in a video featured here who was environment sensitive in CIDS, in she stated she could smell this prion on people's breath. In noting that and the above, I would not be in close proximity ever to anyone who was vaxed due to sinus bleeding. I would never let my children near vaxed adults in a continuous closed environment as pneumonia follows.

The projections in this are probable now in if 1/2 of the people are vaxed, these are the results of having contact with them. These vaxing operations have been going on for 6 months and children are still getting sick as are adults to exposure. That projects that there is not a falling off period. It does not make any difference if vaxed people have lost immunity, the prion is still there and being shed. That projects that there will not be any let off in this, especially since Erica Khan has stated she believes 1/2 the vaxes were saline, so as to not alarm the population in too many getting sick and dying.

Some lab rats got the prion in the first. Most got it in the second. The AdenoCOVID infected more, and the rest of these vaxed saline carriers will be dosed with the prion in Fauci's 3rd booster. There will be follow ups in this in more prions and less saline, but the vantage point in this becomes a reality that the 1% stated this will be done with in spring 2022 AD and made Fauci change his story from autumn 2022 AD in the year of our Lord. Other terrible events will then manifest and the vax zombie will be compliant in majority that the minority will not be worth dealing with, until the Great Deception is unleashed.

There is a possibility that the 3rd booster, will be a time delayed multiplier, providing an illusion that there are not any side effects. This will not matter as larger events appear or the ability to mass communicate has been eliminated.

For the ReVaxNik the reality is to limit exposure to enclosed groups of vaxed people. People sensitive have more of a risk from this prion, as it takes around 3 weeks to recover from an exposure as I have learned twice.

So the short of this is, the vaxed should get their last details in order and the ReVaxNik should be paying attention to details in making certain they limit their exposures.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

