Friday, September 17, 2021

The Expiration Date of a Dictator

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Dictator Biden is being questioned by the same Bob Woodward press which is performing a coup against General Mark Milley. The question is the Biden cough.

‘Not a concern’: White House downplays Biden’s recent ‘repeated’ coughs at public appearances

Biden coughed often, and apologized for doing so, during his remarks Wednesday and Thursday at the White House and Tuesday evening at an anti-recall campaign rally for Gov. Gavin Newsom in California.
“Many of us were in the East Room watching the president,” NBC News’s Kelly O’Donnell first posed to White House press secretary Jen Psaki during Thursday’s briefing. “We’ve seen him on many occasions where he has a repeated cough. What is the situation with that cough?”
“It’s not a concern,” Psaki responded flatly. “We have a doctor who travels with him, obviously, who checks in if there is ever warranted, and certainly …

The reason Dictator Biden is coughing is as was exposed before the stolen election, he has Parkinson's Disease. His hands shook as Vice President. 

I have been around Parkinsons. I know the cough, the phlegm in the throat, the trouble swallowing, the degrading medical condition. The Lame Cherry informed you of this.

Now Dictator Biden, is exhibiting a problem. His handlers have re animated him with high doses of uppers and with Parkinson's meds, and only what DARPA knows. Now the DIA media is calling attention to the Biden cough. That means the groundwork is being laid to remove Dictator Biden.

It is vital to understand that Jen Psaki knows damn certain the Dictator is in a degraded state and there is a cover up by the medical team. It is vital to comprehend that with all the DARPA tricks and potions, Joe Biden is degrading.  He is choking on his own spit.

May 30, 1997 ... These findings suggest that coughing is impaired in patients with Parkinson's disease, and also indicate that, at least in patients in the less ...

The reasons why TR is damaged in PD patients are not clearly explained. It is known that deglutition disorders and ineffective cough reflex contribute to the ...

Aspiration pneumonia is a leading cause of death in people with idiopathic Parkinson disease (PD). ... Although the pathogenesis of these infections is largely ...

There are five stages of Parkinson's before death. Dictator s actingBiden is closing out on Stage 3 and entering Stage 4. His outcome is more falls which will shatter bones which will not repair, requiring morphine and a lingering death of two weeks or drowning in pneumonia fluids, due to the Parkinsons.

The Dictator is prone to hallucinations. This is not an acceptable condition due to the Dictator's access to nuclear warheads and those around him as President.

There are five stages of Parkinson’s disease:

Stage 1

During this stage, the symptoms are mild and unlikely to affect day-to-day functioning or life expectancy. The early signs of the disease may include tremors or shakes and changes in posture, gait, and facial expressions.

Learn more about the early signs of Parkinson’s disease.

Stage 2

Stage 2 symptoms are moderate and become more noticeable than those in stage 1. They may begin to affect daily life and tasks but are unlikely to affect life expectancy. Symptoms in this stage include:

  • difficulty walking
  • muscle stiffness
  • noticeable changes to posture
  • speech difficulties

Progression to this stage may take months or years.

Stage 3

At this stage, people experience greater difficulty with balance and movement. They are still independent, but daily tasks can be challenging. Falls are more common once people reach stage 3.

While the symptoms in stage 3 are still unlikely to affect life expectancy, a serious fall may cause injuries and other complications.

Stage 4

Stage 4 symptoms are severe and limiting, and people in this stage are unable to live alone due to safety concerns. While they may be able to stand without assistance, they will require help to move and perform other tasks.

Complications arising in stage 4, particularly those resulting from the increased risk of falling, may affect a person’s quality of life.

Stage 5

The symptoms at this advanced stage are debilitating. A person may be unable to stand or walk, and they may require a wheelchair. Those in stage 5 require assistance at all times and for all activities.

Hallucinations and delusions are common and affect 20–40% of people with the condition. This number increases with disease progression.

In stage 5, people may be more prone to injuries and infections, which could cause complications or be fatal. However, most people will still have a normal or near-normal life expectancy.

The Dictator complicated this in having Obama the Birther choose for him another unqualified Vice President.

The United States is in jeopardy. It has a degraded leadership, a corrupt leadership and an out of oversight police state and military junta.

Nuff Said
