Friday, September 17, 2021

The Mel


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Some of my best friends are Catholics. Once loved a Catholic to the peril of my Spirit. They are some of the biggest damn sinners on the planet though like Baptists, but the best of them are trained by the pimps of the Vatican to believe everything the Padre says.

They are brainwashed into only they are saved, only the Father takes on their sins, only the Pater in Rome is the connection to God, and in every whorish practice of that supplanter queen of heaven, pretending to be the Virgin Mary and these hosts of idols and worship of the dead, never crosses their seared minds that they are in cult.

Event that bastardized Catholic bible is full of the Apocalypse of Jesus the Christ Who reveals to St. John that the Whore of Babylon is located on Seven Mountains, and rides the governments of the world in fornication with them for power. The 7 hills are Rome, the Vatican sits on Vaticanus Hill. The Vatican is the false religion which rides the beast, or the Roman Empire or Global Empire for power.

In the end, the false prophet is the Pope. The Catholic or Universal religion empowers the world regime, and and in the end, the anti Christ turns on the Vatican and slaughters the lot.

Where this is all going is Mel Gbison, who I have always supported in his lowest moments, but warned everyone that The Passion was Catholic dogma which promotes the lie that Jesus could not have did it alone if not for humans, who of course you have to venerate.

Mel Gibson has been supporting the Orthodox Catholic Priests, who have been purged by this Pater Pope. The Bishops for the most part rubber stamp all the apostasy in protecting the satanists and pedophiles in this inner cult.


Well, we were given a standard by which to judge them, you know by their fruits, you will know them by their fruits. Anybody seen any good fruit lately? It’s tough. And look, I’m a pretty sinful guy, I mean I’m as venal as the next guy, but I know the difference between a shepherd, and a hireling, and I think that the vast majority of these bishops are just a bunch of hirelings … And my question is, you know, like, who’s hiring them? I don’t think it’s Jesus. Is it, Francis? Who’s hiring Francis?

The answer to Mel Gibson's statement which he does not come out and state is satan has hired Pater Francis and the rest of this black robe cult of demoniiacs.

This is the schism of the Catholic cult. But the same schism infects the entire leadership of every religion which has been infiltrated by this Jesuit intelligence order which is implementing a vax genocide on the world starting with the Protestants.

All of these apostate religions condoning sodomites have nothing to do with God. You will know them by their fruits and they are all anti Christ.

I have no doubt that Mel Gibson is a devout man. Those who hate him would point to his known sins to condemn him. Christ is the One Who Redeems or Judges. Mel Gibson needs more than a stand inside this cult in an inner Catholic fight.  Martin Luther by the Holy Ghost took the fight of Christ to the false religion of Rome, but he did it outside that cult as did John Calvin.

The first pope was not St. Peter. Peter never went to Rome. What the Universal religion was founded on was Simon Pater or Simon the sorcerer of The Acts. He tried to buy the Gift of the Holy Ghost and was rebuked. He went to Rome and combined all the pagan cults to a universal cult which is the Vatican which is the Whore of Babylon.

Catholics are warned to come out Babylon or the world system that their religion has whored them too. If they do not they will be martyred if they do not submit to the Great Deception or they will end in hell as the devil, the demons, the apostates and those who never accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.

I don't know Mel Gibson's end, do not know his heart, because I'm not God. I hope for the best for him, but there is no Reformation of the whore of Babylon, that has been accomplished by Martin Luther, and Christ says for Catholics and all to come out.

You do not go into the vax  to be marked by this system and you do not stay in this system that is anti Christian condemning the Faithful. No one is saved by being Catholic. Salvation only comes by Faith in Jesus the Christ Who forgives sins and by the Holy Ghost regenerates to Life all who believe.

Nuff Said

