Saturday, December 11, 2021

A Factor of 31


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I never thought I would arrive at a day that I would be praising a Kennedy, but Robert Kennedy jr., has been engaged in exemplary work in educating the public on the dangers of these Necro Vaxes which have been unleashed on innocent humanity.

Like most of you, the vax was still distant up to last week. I knew people who had died from the bioweapon, I knew people that Remdesivir murdered, and I knew numbers of people who the vax had exterminated, but it was more like "Old people just hurried to the grave a bit faster".

That changed with my brother. I still have not absorbed the realities of what that vax did to him. It was like a genetic bomb went off and put him down. After successfully having been treated for cancer in July, and cleared, it was back the week he died all through his body in Stage IV. Something had eaten a hole in his lung and he had fluid. He suffered a heart attack. He suffered two mild strokes. He had low sodium. He was found unresponsive in his home. It took 3 days to get him to the point of being coherent again. He suffered a major stroke, but his brain did not swell in any of the strokes, but his right side was completely paralyzed. He began running a 104 fever. This was the last 7 days of his life as he had been to work 9 days before.

The vax murdered him and it astounds me as people call this a toxin and poison, but it is biological and it kills like a toxin or poison as it is fast.

I still have not figured out how those strokes took place without brain swelling so there is another factor involved. The cancer is easy as this vax turns off the body's immune system response to repress cancer.

The reality is, if his son had not found him, my brother probably would have died laying on the floor by the next day. That is a very fast biological destruction of a human body.

So this is personal when a family member is murdered by this vax. His death though is not listed as vax related, only as a stroke. It is in this that RFK jr's work has exposed that the government reporting center is showing over 600,000 people with adverse reactions to this vax. Those are non lethal outcomes. Those are outcomes in people I know of being long haulers, having blood clots, seeing their personality change and their not noticing it. Coughs, heart problems and weight gains. Gaining weight is not listed as an adverse reaction, but I see numbers of people who have put on the tons since this past spring.

The end result in this is for every person reported, 31 are unreported. We are instead talking about 19 people Americans who have been harmed by this vax in the synthetic prion. If one factors in the now probable 2 million dead, and frankly after my brother dying, I'm more inclined to up that number as it is progressing to a more lethal curve, the data would show 24 million dead or harmed by this vax in America. That is 1/10 of the population or 1 out of 10 people have had some kind of harmful side effect, and the ghoul Anthony Fauci, has engaged injecting children with his vax and they are dying in their beds with heart failure, and in 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, infants and newborns are going to be mass injected.

Those projections indicate that 1 out of 10 children will be dead or harmed by this vax in the immediate 6 month period into July August of 2022 AD in the year of our Lord. Long term projections on heart failure and these cancers will increase with each day as the heart damage is done and will not repair and the cancer has a wide open field to replicate in.

“VAERS is telling a very frightening story,” Rose told Kennedy.

VAERS data show 618,548 adverse event reports (as of Oct. 29), but that number doesn’t account for under-reporting, explained Rose. (As of Nov. 19, the latest VAERS data show 664,745 adverse events, excluding foreign reports).

“If you consider the under-reporting factor, which I’ve based on the Pfizer phase 3 clinical data — which is probably questionable data anyway — the under-reporting factor is 31,” she said. So to get an accurate count of adverse events, “you need to multiply the VAERS numbers by at least 31,” Rose explained. “It’s really staggering. We’re in the millions.”

This is the future. There will be by the mid term of 2022 AD in the year of our Lord the expanding cover of "variants", which will lure you into dreams of Republican landslides, who just voted with democrats to make vax data bases, and you will rally to more stolen fake elections, get your GOP to make Americans noises, and then on executive orders and necessary measures, lock your gulag tighter just as HW Bush did and just as Donald Trump did.

No one will ever be executed, imprisoned or fined for this mass culling. You are provided this information so as to remove yourself from the politic and chaos and keep preparing for you to survive as worse is coming in this societal restructuring.

Nuff Said
