Friday, December 24, 2021

An Irish Mic


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Three times now in the past month the soul slaves of the "queen of heaven" have appeared with the same deception to abandon Christ.

Melania Trump appeared as queer queen in being awarded for sexual deviancy by sexual deviants.

Then on Jeff Rense, a revealer of the Fatima secrets appeared with the statement that the end had come, when the Eucharist was done away with by the Vatican, and then the 3rd world war would come.

Lastly was another Irish mic, Liam Kelley with something that captured my attention from his seers of the Catholicism. He was mirroring Fatima in the Pater Pope being an apostate and doing away with Communion, but went into more detail. In listening to the video, the Lame Cherry first warns you DO NOT GO NEAR THIS CATHOLIC APOSTASY. These are Marians or advocates of Melania Trump and the Fatima guy are. DO NOT PRAY THAT ROSARY. You link yourself to that whore of Babylon and you are going to meet her end.

Irish Priest Forecasts Events To Come SOON - Months
Long Blackouts, Martial Law, Starvation, Ebola Like Virus
Released, 90% Vaxed Die In Two Years, WW3 And
Oh, A 7 Mile Asteroid Will Break In Two And Impact

With that warning, it seems these Catholic seers, that they have a pattern like the Bavarian seers. The Irish mic seems to do the overkill a bit in volcanoes, tidal waves, 50 below cold, vax deaths, released blood plague and nuclear war. Slaughtering people 5 times over is a bit redundant in God's Judgment, so just remember these seers are not Prophets of God. What I do with them those is sift the information and find like material which is flowing from the matrix.

The one mention from the Irish mic of the world war, which begins in 2022, after the major black out earlier in the year, is he mentioned the war will be over in 3 weeks, ended by the meteor. He then states the occupation of Europe will be 3 months. That caught my attention as the Bavarian seer, who I get mixed up as there are a few, mentioned that war in Europe, having 3 spears from Russia invading. He said he saw the number THREE, but did not know if it was 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months. Two sources are not talking about threes in these seers. That I do pay attention to.

While the Irish mic talks about the meteor hitting, the Bavarian stated the Russian occupation ended when the 'revenge came from across the water". That was the United States which deployed a humanicide or a pesticide against Russia's armies. It was a calm night and the jets spread a green material which I took as a chemical, biological, nuclear hybrid substance. The are was about as wide as Texas and from the North Sea are to the Mediterranean, Anything that crossed that line was dead. Russians would drive their tanks back to Russia and be dead men driving. The flesh falls off them.

The Bavarian went into detail in the defeated Russians then engaged in a coup against the leader (Putin), killed him and overthrew the government and became allied with the West in defeating China.

I did not see Armageddon in this scenario from the Bavarian, but the lines in the matrix were crossing on information there. The reason the United States sprays this pesticide is at this point the Rhine is full of blood, eastern Europe is leveled. There will only be a few enclaves of western fighters left, one around Switzerland. Russia won and this blog has stated that with deployment of missiles with nuclear warheads, Russia would hold Europe.

Before Putin is eliminated, he launches a revenge attack on the Americans for the green powder from the Russian nuclear submarine force.

None of that is the Irish Marian group, but the perspectives overlap.

What is the focus in this is the revelation of two things. The Lame Cherry came across something in the matrix months ago which I have hinted at here.  You were told to prepare. I have told you that several events are overlapping around March of 2022. The reason that caught my attention was what I have come across. I'm not going to be more specific in public. You have been informed the prudent course to prepare for, so what the event is does not matter and I do not need any more interviews. 

The second thing is that this demon pretending to be the Virgin Mary, which is the entity incorporated into the universal religion of Vaticanus hill in Rome by Simon Pater, is on the move with it's advocates in the Catholic apostasy.  That is most interesting to me in the entity sending people to hell in the deception to take people from Christ is on the move now. This she devil is part of satan's plot and for it to be moving, concludes that abaddon the destroyer is being established as much as the rest of the order, including the demons released from the Euphrates to bring this war about.

Those are the things I'm being brought to notice in Spirit, not what anyone else would see. I will never follow Catholic oracles or their paganism and satanism,  But when I see these doomsday predictions now, the alarm goes off not on the mass deaths of wetware, but on why the queen of demons is in concert vying for your pawn souls at this time.

As she is here broadcasting deception, the consorts in this destruction and deception must be there too, and as they are there, then the events Prophesied linked to them, must also generate in this time line.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

