Yes I had some coke with Elvis just the other day.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Marilyn Monroe and I were college sweethearts.
....and in World War II I had Adolf Hitler in my sights at his bunker,
I could have ended the war.
I remember on our way to the moon, telling Alan Alda, "Let's flip
a coin so see who takes the first step."
Bow, wow, wow, wow....woof, woof, woof woof!
You know those night goggle things. I invented them. I was at Roswell,
when the aliens crashed and we made the goggles out of the lenses of their eyes.
Teddy Roosevelt once said to me, "Joe, you are a born explorer.
Let's go to Atlantis", but then he died.
I just tell it like it happened man!