Sunday, December 12, 2021

Shorting Food at the Source

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been observing our big farmers and spoke to several this past week. The one had all his crops and was pleased he got all his fields tilled for next year. So just saying even in the wet conditions we had, that field work could have been done.

I did not see very many farmers putting down fertilizer or spraying. I asked a kid I had grown up with and he confirmed what Jeff Rense has been saying in the fertilizer is shorted and the chemicals were too. He just mocked it as part of the shit in driving up prices, but that did not negate the lack of field work as some of these farmers would till a field if it was a swamp or if the ground was froze and left chunks the size of a bag of flour.

For all the good crops which did come in, these farmers are all acting like they do not have operating funds. If you couple them with the farmers and ranchers in the West where there was a drought, American agriculture is going bankrupt from California to the interior.

Just a warning in this as most of you have no comprehension of how agriculture is. Most of you at least know what a garden is and have gardened. What goes on now is that you do not hoe your garden. You do not even touch the ground. Instead you have a robot GPS air shoot your seeds in the soil. Then you robot spray your garden with toxins that kills everything above and below the soil. It then grows and your harvest the frankenfood. After which you scatter petroleum fertilizer for next year and spray again to kill things that sprouted.

At this point, the fertilizer is not there. The herbicides are not there. All of these soybean, rape seed, corn and wheat are genetically altered to not be killed by sprays, to be able to kill bugs and to produce a crop of little nutrition as soil can not produce these kinds of crops, without fertilizers.

There are no microbes in the soil so it does not smell like dirt. There are not worms. There are not bugs.

These crops are very expensive to raise and require high yields. These crops will not produce without this system. The tractors are hundreds of thousands of dollars. The planters are over a hundred thousand dollars. Combine are hundreds of thousands of dollars. This massive debt is what is being carried by producers.

I watch people in their actions and patterns. People who are in the ag business are all acting like they are broke. They have 4 IRS quarterly payments each year, even if they are not harvesting a crop. They do not get it back until the next year if they over pay.

Food supply will be shorted in 2022. The above does not even take into the record fuel prices and remember that fuel to plant a crop is not paid off until the autumn.

I probably should inquire to what the weather is next year.

Nuff Said

