Saturday, January 29, 2022

Cash Injury

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just something to keep in mind.

  • The stock market is going to continue under immense pressure in it will decline.
  • Bonds will become more attractive
  • Once gold breaks to 1840 it will lock at 1900 dollars an ounce. Money is beginning to pour into gold in large investment groups moving funds.
  • Crypto currencies are going into an immense contraction.
  • Moving, trading funds will be suspended to gain control over electronic buying, selling and spending. Yes this is cash.
  • The FED is in punt mode. It's raising rates is collapsing the markets. Backing off will attempt to continue the massive stock buys by the FED in the stock market.
  • Fund markets are increasing the move out of stocks.

What is taking place in Ukraine, is an attempt erase the Protestants of Donbas. This is thought to lure Russia into attacking to save their Russian peoples in Ukraine. The purpose of all of this is for the cartel to confiscate the Eurasian funds, meaning Russia and China, their gold.

I do not believe that Russia is all or nothing in Ukraine. If one studies their position, Russia has an Army sitting in Belarus. Russia is protecting the oil pipeline which flows to Poland and other "Germanic Slavic States", meaning with Germany already supporting Russia, the Czehs, Slovaks and Hungarians can be leveraged in gas flow to not support action against Russia, for a NATO schism.

Poland can be broken in shutting off energy flow. The Western Europeans and Americans will be shorted in energy flow causing havoc in their economies.

All of this can be done in using long range air support, missiles and artillery in Russian territory to hold the Donbas line. The Donbas military can hold that line with support. But these Javelin missiles from America are meant to mass murder the Protestant Russians of Donbas.

Russia will move forces into Cuba and Venezuela. The inclination is for Naval Ports, nuclear submarine visits to place a front line in thee American Sphere. These are all steps, including putting Ukraine in the dark, taking out cyber interdiction to disrupt not just military but civilian flow to  turn the peoples against their anti Russian politicians.

This is a prelude to "war". This is the leverage of the manipulation of the markets.

You were looking at a virus in fear. Now you are looking at Russia with fear. You do not realize in both of these programmes is that you were the enemy of the cartel and the target, not the Chinese nor the Russians. 
"They" want your lands more than the cartel wants Russian and Chinese lands.

This is a 2022 AD in the year of our Lord assessment.

Nuff Said
