That is not a lollipop you bastard!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After the devastating results which my brother was murdered by in the vax, in having heart attack, stroke, holes eaten in his lung, low sodium and massive cancer spread, it is of note that reports are surfacing of massive lymph node swelling in people who have been vaxed.
The lymph glands are forts in the body which are warning signs in swelling up in infections and cancers. Something in the serum is causing a massive antigen response. Doctors now banned have been warning for some time as cancer cases are spiking that the serum has inhibitors in it to stop the body from fighting cancer and this all centers around the lymph nodes.
An anonymous radiologist reports a shocking observation in 2021. This radiologist has witnessed a 360-fold increase in unexplained adenopathy following covid-19 vaccinations. Adenopathy is the medical term for swollen glands or swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy). Adenopathy is not a specific disease, but it is an important symptom for some underlying condition. Doctors may not be adequately trained to identify when vaccines are the cause of the adenopathy.
The radiologist is speaking out with anonymity because he fears he will lose his job for reporting these vaccine-related observations. In his practice, the radiologist sees about one case of unexplained adenopathy every six months. However, once the covid-19 vaccines were rolled out, the radiologist has seen two to three cases of unexplained adenopathy per day! This is a 360-fold increase of a rare condition, and this is his most conservative estimate.
Do covid vaccines cause lymphatic disorders, autoimmune conditions, and/or cancer?
The human body contains approximately six hundred lymph nodes. These lymph nodes carry lymph and are an integral part of the human “immune system.”
There is something in this experimental Covid serum which is causing this and when there is a 360 percent increase in cases, and remember that this is not from early 2021, but seems to be associated wit the booster which was considered to be the real vax all along as others were placebos to not cut down on the adverse reactions to this serum, that the booster is the most likely culprit for this swollen lymph nodes which are now appearing in alarming numbers.
We are never going to have the answers in this, as the government medical establishment is providing cover for the Pharms, which is a worse threat than Eisenhowers Military Industrial Complex. This Agency Pharma Complex is Nazi organized, meaning it is government funded in an endless tap now to siphon money from the Treasury in trillions of dollars.
Those behind this are going to start vaxing children for legal cover, as this booster is triggering something immense in the human immune system, which is either a cancer or a auto immune disease related to this synthetic prion.
If you take this booster or have taken this booster, make sure your affairs are in order as in this lottery everyone is going to be unlucky and win.
Nuff Said